Ephesians 3 starts with Paul’s asking that Elohim’s administration be given unto us more, so his mystery is made known to me by revelation.
He confers that the mystery in Christ, which was not made known to people in other generation has been revealed by the SPIRIT of Yahwehs holy apostles and prophets.
The mystery foretold is that through THE Gentiles, we are HEIRS together with Israel members together of One BODY, shared together in the promise of Christ Yeshua.
Paul goes on to say he became a servant of this gospel by the grace given to him through the working of his power. Although, he is the least of all Yeshua’s people.
Administration of this Mystery.
Yahwehs intent was that through the church, the manifold wisdom of Yeshua should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realm.
According to his eternal purpose (will) accomplished in Yeshua. He asks us not to be discouraged because of his (Paul’s) suffering.
He says that Yahweh strengthens us with power through his SPIRIT in our inner being, so Yahweh may dwell in our hearts through faith. So, we may be rooted in love, and can grasp how wide, long, high and deep in the love of CHRIST, and to know this love that surpasses Knowledge – that we may be filled with the Fullness of Elohim.
Rapport building with Ephesians 4: 12, Ephesians 3:19
12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
There is a fullness in Christ we attain by maturing in unity and faith and in knowledge of the son of Elohim (this is why works of service is done in the body of Christ). There is a fullness of Elohim, we attain when we recognize the fathers love. we are attaining the whole measure as Christ makes us whole, however in the love of Elohim we are filled with a measure of the fullness of Elohim.
This chapter begin with Yeshua choosing to sit with Tax collectors and Sinner. It’s funny that the parts of the bible start off with Yeshua choosing to welcome sinners.
To lose something according to word blink means you had something but no longer have it. You were going in the correct path but lost your way, you had something in your possession and no longer have it. It our fathers love for us when we lose our way to lead us back to him.
Luke 15 vs 10, 15, 20 and 24 all give a parable of something we have once lost, and how we react to loosing something of value. With Yeshua losing the life of a believer is the same, he values us so much he died for us. His stake is on the table, so he will be willing to forgive when we like the prodigal son turn back home (to repent) and say Father I have sinned against heaven and against you, Luke 15:21. (As David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.” Nathan replied, “The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die.), Hence, the father filled with compassion for his son, put his arm around him and kissed him.
And the father this son of mine was once dead and now alive Again. (Luke 15 vs 20, 32), he was lost and is found. the key word being ‘again‘.
The parable of the lost sheep connotates one who loses a sheep going out to find the sheep, the lost coin as one who loses coin/your money going back to find it. So, also a son went astray because he died spiritually but is now alive again. (Repentance)
When we come to Christ there’s a great celebration in fact a feast, you easily get good things because you were once dead but now alive. It’s like major events in our lives when we get into school there’s a matriculation and celebration until test and study comes, in marriage ceremony there are lots of celebration until the test in marriage. It’s the same way when you come to Christ, there is always celebration until test starts. In some test it takes 1 hour for the exam, some 5hrs depending on how skilled or smart you are in the preparing. You have to work some call it slave like the elder son. Some people will quit the exam, some will struggle, some will copy but the test must go on. In marriage, it similar some will quit, some struggle ultimately the work for the test must go on.
It’s the same with Yeshua when he first met the disciples, he caught basket of fish for them, and said I’d make you fishes of men, and when the bridegroom left (Yeshua) their ministry started.
The Elder Son
It was the older son from the parable complained about slaving for the father and not disobeying his order(s). In Luke 15:31 The father’s response was you are always with me and everything I have is yours. If you stay with someone long enough you feel less need to impress them not because you don’t care but because we can get the things we want easily and that’s familiarity. So, as he got his spiritual food from Yeshua.
We may suffer to put the work because with Yeshua it’s about the value we place towards his work. Read (Matthew 20:9), clearly the worker that came at the 11th hour worked more, than those at the 10th, we would like to believe, right or not. It’s just my assertion that with Yeshua, it’s not about the time we spend doing the work (slaving as the elder son would say) but our heart towards the work, the value we place on it, it’s the value he placed on the lost soul that repents.
It’s the same with Mary and Martha, the long hours used in service but ended up saying “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me! “Luke 10:38-42. The real question is if one’s heart is not in it to do a service to the lord why do it. The bible says ‘for he is the kind of person who is always thinking about the cost. “Eat and drink,” he says to you, but his heart is not with you’, Proverbs 23:7. The key word is always the bible says in Luke 14: 28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it. it is ok to estimate the cost of something but not always. And if we willingly do something for Yeshua, we love why to compare it to what others are doing (the elder son to the prodigal son and the Mary and Martha). Yes, you may suffer to work, but a soul that is found will always be celebrated. 2 Samuel 24:24 But the king replied to Araunah, “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” So, David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid fifty shekels of silver for them. Clearly David heart is in this offering.
David and Solomon (A father to a son) 1 Chronicles 28 Tells us of David who had planned for the temple in verse 11. who had it in his heart to build a house for Adonai, who asked for the timber from Hiram to build the timber (1 Chronicles 2 vs 11), who got the threshing floor and skilled labor for the temple (1 Chronicles 2 vs 14), who fought battles for Israel but didn’t get rest during his lifetime to build a nation? who gave the instruction for all the works of the servant to build the temple (1 Chronicles 28 vs 13), who designated the weight of Gold, who served God from his youth until he died? DAVID DID. However, his son Solomon built the house for Yahweh. Why because David was a warrior who had shed blood. Who had a longer walk with Yahweh David or Solomon? Yet David said in verse 19 ” I have in writing as a result of hashem’s hand on me, and this has enabled me understand all the details of the plan” Luke 17: 9 “Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do?”. If we work or slave, it’s to his glory for a temple not made with hands to be built.
Takeaway – Davids’s heart, Solomons Temple (The perfect temple with a heart from God and Wisdom for Yahweh).
From Father to Son, the father rose Yeshua, but Christ died for us. So, Solomon built, but David had a heart for Yahweh. “And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17, Who was God more pleased with David or Solomon, who did God call a man after his own heart? who did God leave a covenant with?
David slaved more yet Solomon built the temple and was celebrated more than his father. Today we say Solomon’s colonnade or Solomon’s temple not David’s heart.
In building a temple or a converting a soul, it matters not some much who works more hours but that a soul is won.
Here on earth our life consists of what we have, but with Yahweh, Yeshua said unto them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” Luke 12:15, I timothy 6:6.
The disciple whom Yahushua loved was John – Nathan. David and Jonathan story opens with 1 Samuel 18 vs 1 as it is written Jonathan became one spirit with David and loved him as himself some translation say as his own soul. (Ye shall love hashem thy Yahweh with all thy heart and soul and mind; and love thy neighbor as thy self – 2 commandment from Yahushua).
We begin with Jonathan telling David “Whatever you want me to do, I will do for you.” Jesus said if you ask anything in my name, I will do them. John 14:13-14. Jonathan is a friend like Jesus. He loves you at all times, sticks closer than a brother (1 Samuel 20 vs 42)
Show David who was puzzled about King Saul, Jonathan’s father quest to kill him. Don’t we all have a King Saul in our lives, sorry don’t we all need a Jonathan in our lives. Jonathan encouraged David saying you shall not die (Psalm 118:17). Jonathan further said my father doesn’t do anything without letting me know. However, it seems David knew the mind Saul had towards him. He said, ‘ Your father knows I have found favor in thy eyes!’ in verse 30, Saul told Jonathan, ‘Don’t you know I know that you have sided with the Son of Jesse.’
As the feast approached David asked Jonathan to give an excuse to Saul that he had gone to Bethlehem, David’s hometown because of the annual sacrifice being made. That if king Saul doesn’t lose his temper upon Davids’s request, then he intends no harm to David. Jonathan swore that if he had an inkling that Saul would harm him, he’d tell David. So, Jonathan hatched up a plan of sounding the arrows by the stone of Ezel to indicate that if the arrows were shot at target and he asked a boy to get it, David was safe. Else if, should the arrows go beyond target. David wasn’t safe. Thus, Jonathan took an oath with David. At the festival when Saul inquired of David and cursed Jonathan, because he defended David, leading him to be grieved (Ephesians 4: 30) because his father wanted to kill David; hence he did not eat. Jonathan shot the arrow beyond to tell David the truth as he had promised. This is what Jesus did for us, he came to save us from our sins by telling us the truth. In John 16:8 he says the advocate will come to us, to tell us of what is wrong (as Jonathan did, John the Baptist did). The holyspirit grieves when we sin (Ephesian 4: 30). Jonathan became sad for his father’s action. And yes, Jonathan died as Yeshua died but the covenant, he had with us as the one David had with Jonathan household remains. I Sam. 20: 14. is the same covenant Yeshua had with us to show kindness to us. In John 16:13 the spirit of truth comes to us and guides, the truth Jonathan told to guide David not to return. (is to glorify the king of kings, David as a shadow type of the King of Kings, as a servant David is US).
David got up to his south side and bowed before Jonathan three times (verse 41) his face to the ground. The kissed and wept. And Jonathan said to David, go in peace, hashem bears witness between me and you and my descendant forever. (John 8:18).
The holyspirit reproves of what is sin and righteousness (and means together). I Samuel 20:1 ‘what is my crime? How have I wronged your father, David asked Jonathan, that he wants to kill me. The holyspirit reproves of what is wrong about sin and righteousness. Jonathan replied You are not going to die (Mediator between Father and son-in-law), spoke encouraging word to David (Comforter).
1 Samuel 20 vs 8 If I am guilty, then kill me yourself…. reproves of what is sin and righteousness, so you can know your stand in Christ.
I swear by Adonai of Israel that I will surely sound out my father by this time tomorrow. I Samuel 20 vs 12 (spirit of truth).
Even our ex-president is Jonathan, he is gentle too as >>>>>>
The holyspirit gives us peace — Go in peace Jonathan tells David (1 Samuel 13:42, Gives us peace when we aren’t guilty).
God with us (Emmanuel), I will not leave you alone; I will send you a comforter who reminds us of his promises – his word. May Adonai be with me as he has been with Yeshua (my father) 1 Samuel 20 vs 13.
Reaffirms his oath out of love for me, because he loved me as he loved himself (verse 16, Jonathan loved David as himself). Love the lord your God with all you heart (Jonathan loved David as his own soul).
The spirit of Yeshua bear witness within us, that we are the Son of Yahweh. Remember, hashem is a witness between you and me forever (1 Samuel 20:23, 42). If ever you want to be reminded what the spirit of Yahweh saith see the life of Jonathan and John the Baptist (bears witness).
Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob fulfilled in Yeshua, David a man of covenant, had an oath with Jonathan, a covenant with Yahweh (not fail to put a descendant from his lineage on his seat), with Saul a promise (1 Samuel 24:20-21)
Solomon was asked to build a temple (by David verse 9). A magnificent temple where Yahweh, a place where Yahweh would dwell forever. He assembled the whole assembly of Israel and blessed them.
Abba Father, give attention to your SERVAnT prayer and plea for mercy. Hear the cry and the prayer that YOUR SERVAnT, may your eyes be open towards us your living temple day and night. May you hear the prayer of YOUR SERVAnT prays towards this place. Hear from heaven and when you hear from heaven, your dwelling-place; and when you hear forgive and judge between your servants condemning the guilty and bringing on their heads what they have done and vindicating the innocent by treating them in accordance with their innocence.
John 21 shows us Simon peter and his brother who had been out fishing until night for the 2nd time (the first time, he said I’d make you fishers of men, the 2nd time after his resurrection). Early in the morning, Jesus called his friends, he paid attention to their plight of not catching anything and directed them to cast their net to the right. They caught fishes that Simon peter had to go into the water to aid the net with fishes to the boat. When the hashem is on our boat; we have no fear, we catch fish(es), he guides us, and calm our hearts so the storms cease.
To reinstate us:
2 Chronicles shows us he forgives us and the sins of his people. Solomon says and I quote “When famine or plague comes to the land, or blight or mildew, locusts or grasshoppers, or when enemies besiege them in any of their cities, whatever disaster or disease may come, 29 and when a prayer or plea is made by anyone among your people Israel—being aware of their afflictions and pains, and spreading out their hands toward this temple— 30 then hear from heaven, your dwelling place. Forgive, and deal with everyone according to all they do, since you know their hearts (for you alone know the human heart), so that they will fear you and walk in obedience to you all the time they live in the land you gave our ancestors.”
Being aware of my affliction and pain as he was with Simon peter, he told him.
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
Again, Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
When they sin against you—for there is no one who does not sin—and you become angry with them and give them over to the enemy, who takes them captive to a land far away or near. and if they have a change of heart in the land where they are held captive, and repent and plead with you in the land of their captivity and say, ‘We have sinned, we have done wrong and acted wickedly. 2 Chronicles 6: 34-36 “When your people go to war against their enemies, wherever you send them, and when they pray to you toward this city you have chosen and the temple I have built for your Name, 35 then hear from heaven their prayer and their plea and uphold their cause.
Shows a God who forgives us and reinstates us when we have sinned if we repent and have a change of heart. We are foreigners who pray towards his (your) holy temple (Yahushua) hear and answer for your name’s sake (the sheep we are to feed). verse 6 vs 32 because of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm—when they come and pray toward this temple, 2 Chronicles vs12 Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in front of the whole assembly of Israel and spread out his hands and John 21: 18 “Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” We launch out into the deep with outstretch arm you see to fish for men for the glory of Yahweh. So, the glory of Yahweh will fill the TEMPLE 2 chronicles 7vs 1.
2 Chronicles 7: 12 “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices.”, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Now arise, Lord God, and come to your resting place, you and the ark of your might. May your priests, Lord God, be clothed with salvation, may your faithful people rejoice in your goodness. 42 Lord God do not reject your anointed one. Remember the great love promised to David your servant.”
Yahweh dwells in temples not made with hands: 18“But will God really dwell on earth with humans? The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!
We are saved to save others; this is how we prove our love for Yahweh – feed his sheep.
It’s okay to catch nothing until Yahweh directs and redirects.
Yahweh gives us because we find our resting place in him.
Starts off with why Jobs 3 friends stopped answering him. ‘Because he was righteous in his own eyes’. we ought to not justify myself but rather justify Yahweh. (The next writings when Yahushua’s identity was in question in John 7, Yahshua did not justify himself but glorified the father). Elihu said I did not speak because I thought age should speak, advance in years should also teach wisdom, BUT it is the spirit of Yahweh in a person, the breath of the Yahweh Almighty which gives understanding.
none could prove him wrong: none of Jobs friends could prove him wrong because no one could answer his argument(s). They choose to condemn Job than to refute him. ELIHU goes on to say ‘I have wisdom, let Yahweh not man refute him. So even still Job marshalled words against Elihu (God is he). Elihu did not answer him, with other arguments because they (his friends) became dismayed and no more to say against Job. WORDS failed them.
Elihu decided to have his say, he said he also will tell what he knows, for he is full of words, and the spirit within him compels him to speak. Elihu wanted to speak so he’d not burst up as he would burst as wine. In this verse all Elihu was referencing was Jesus he was accused he said nothing and when he did it was to glorify Yahweh as Yahweh is our defense and righteousness.
A balance with John 7 As brothers/Sisters in the Hashem, it was interesting to see that Yahushua brothers did not believe I him. He said words like “No one who wants to become a public figure act in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world”. Yahshua’s response wasn’t to condemn his brothers he said “the world cannot hate you because you do not testify against evil works. (There will never be a friend like Yahweh).
This is why Jesus understood time, because “the bible says the days are evil” – Ephesians 6: 13. Romans 13: 11, John 11:9. Jesus moved in secret but testified and reproof in public.
The charge: John 7: 12 ‘ others replied, no, he deceives the people.’ but none said anything for fear of the leaders. People started pondering where Yahshua got his learning from?
How Jesus Justified himself: My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. Anyone who chooses to do the will of Yahweh will find out whether I speak on my own.
If we speak of our own, we do so for our personal gain/ glory. If we justify ourselves, we speak for our own self. (verse 18)
the one who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is A Man OF TRUTH, and there is nothing FALSE ABOUT HIM.
Division OVER WHO YASHUA IS: Jesus answered you know me and know where I am from. I AM not here on my own authority, but he who sent me is TRUE. (not about us, about him)
The last day and greatest day of the festival (verse 37) (THE LAST DAYS). Yahushua said let anyone who is thirsty come and drink. Whoever believes in THE SCRIPTURE he has said, ‘rivers of living water will flow from within them.” – verse 39. As in the last days, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh. Acts 2:17, Joel 2;28-32.
Takeaway We refute not condemn. We Justify ourselves in Yahushua. when words were marshalled by Job to God, Elihu (God is he) didn’t answer his arguments but refute him with God. Our defense even in words comes from Yahweh. It is the spirit of Yahweh that gives true wisdom and knowledge. (It is the spirit of Yahweh, revived in us or coming alive in us that gives us wisdom not of this world but in Christ). we judge not by appearance (everyone knows this). John 7: 24 the mere fact that we say that Yahweh is our righteousness means we believe he is just to justify our sins, how much more the sins we have not committed). He is our justification. Laws don’t change people, Yahushua does. the same people who make the laws break them; this why Jesus asked the John 7: 19 has Moses not given you the laws; yet none of you keeps the laws. Nicodemus asked about the Jewish laws in verse 50; stating that without first hearing a man to find out what he has been doing? Yet they condemn him because of the belief that no good thing came out of Galilee, they believed no prophet came out of Galilee. Knowing one should judge people by appearance, race, background or even where they come from doesn’t change them. Knowledge does not bring about change if the heart doesn’t change.
John 14: 1 Begins with let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God believe also in me. 2Corinthians 3 ‘tells us not to lose heart, it is by Elohim’s mercy we can minister. So, we renounce secret and shameful ways, we do not use deception nor distort the word of Elohim. As we set forth truth plainly and COMMEnD ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of Elohim.
As the gospel displays the glory of Christ who is the image of Yahweh.
For we preach not for ourselves but Yahshua, and ourselves as servants for Yahshua’s sake. As the knowledge of Yahweh’s glory is displayed in the face of Christ. For we are hard PRESSED on every side, but not crushed, PERPLEXED but not despaired, PERSECUTED but abandoned; STRUCKDOWn but not destroyed. For we who are alive are ALWAYS being given over to death so the life of Yahshua will be revealed.
I believe therefore I speak he who raised me with Yahshua and present me to himself. All this is for my benefit, since the same spirit of faith, I believe and therefore I speak because the one who raised me with Yahshua and present me with you to himself. It is for my benefit that his grace is reaching more and more may cause thanksgiving to overflow for the glory of Yahweh.
Therefore, we do not lose heart, though OUTWARDLY we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. So, I fix my eyes not on what is seen for what is seen temporary but what is unseen is eternal. Romans 8: 24 For hope that we are saved? But HOPE THAT IS Seen IS not HOPE AT ALL. WHO HOPES FOR WHAT THEY ALREADY HAVE? BUT IF WE HOPE In HASHEM, WE WAIT On HIM Patiently? Zechariah 9:12
I will not commend myself again. I do not need like some people letters of recommendation to you or from you. Yahshua himself is in my letter, written on my heart known and read by everyone.
I show that I am letter from Christ Yahshua, the result of our ministry written not in ink, but in the spirit of the living Adonai, not in tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
Such confidence, I have through Yahshua before Yahweh. not that I am competent in myself to claim anything for myself. For my competence comes from Yahweh. He has made us competent as the ministers of new covenant(s).
-not of letters but of the spirit, for the letters kill but the spirit gives life.
The ministry that brought death is engraved in letters on stone, came with glory brought condemnation and made the human mind dull because Moses’ face was veiled. since the knowledge of Yahweh’s glory in 2 Corinthians 4 is displayed on the face of Christ who died for us, so his face is not veiled but open; so, his glory is much more this why there are no secrets and we have renounced shameful ways. So, Christ face is not veiled our minds aren’t dull. This day 2 Corinthians 3 says the veil still remains; it is not being removed because only in Christ is it taken away. When any turns to Yahshua the veil is taken away.
now Yahshua is spirit and where the spirit of Yahshua is there is freedom. Romans 8: 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The spirit of God doesn’t make us feel like we are under bondage at all. we feel that way. The glory of God was hidden when Moses wore the veil because it was bounded by the law. So, we couldn’t come to Yahweh as we were because we had a shadow type sacrifice (not real that made our hearts veiled). But with the true sacrifice not with lambs’ blood but of guiltless and innocent, we can come boldly not with veiled hearts but with the face of Yashua because our hearts have changed (repentance). So as some are being transformed into his image with increasing glory that comes from hashem who is spirit we can cry ABBA FATHER!
Yahshua cried Eloi Eloi, so we can cry Abba Father. It’s in Christ image he sees us.
I am for peace. But when I speak, they are for war. – Psalm 120 vs 7.
As the sword is the word of God. Let your word begin to penetrate through the hearts of souls of men. David saith “Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” I Samuel 17:45.
David defeated Goliath with the word of God. David did not have a physical sword, but he had the sword of the word of God he spoke before the battle against Goliath. He had a flawless victory with a sling and stone.
You would smear me with lies, you are all worthless physicians all of you. If only you would altogether be silent! for you that would be wisdom.
What you know I also know, as I am not inferior to you. Will you speak deceitfully for him, will you argue a case for Yahweh? would it turn out well, if he examined you? could you deceive him as you deceive mortal men? Your maxims are proverbs of ashes, (Colossians 2:8 “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.”), your defenses are defence of clay (Daniel 2: 43 “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay”).
why do I put my jeopardy and take my life in Yahweh’s hands. Though he slays me, I will yet hope in him. I have no defence of my ways to Yahweh. Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance for no GODLESS Person WOULD DARE COME BEFORE ME! Listen carefully to what I say, let my words ring in your ears. Grant me only two things:
Yahweh and I will not hide my face from you.
Withdraw your hand far from me.
Then summon me and I will answer or let me speak and reply to me. Why then do you hide your face and consider me. why do you hide your face and consider me your enemy. Will-you torment a wind-blown leaf? FOR YOU WRITE BITTER things against me, YOU Fasten my feet in shackles, you keep close watch on all my paths by putting marks on the SOLES OF MY FEET.
This is thanks to @d_tamilore. I woke one morning and opened my phone to see the names of Yahweh.
Yatser -> Master Potter Isaiah 64: 8
Elohim -> God the creator Genesis 1:1
Yahweh -> I am that I am, Exodus 3: 15
El Roi -> Yahweh who SEES ME, Genesis 16: 13-14
Elshaddai -> Adonai Almighty, Genesis 17: 1
El Olam (my name is included here) -> The Eternal Yahweh, Genesis 21:33
Yahweh Yireh -> Hashem will provide, Genesis 22: 14
Yahweh Rapha -> Hashem who heals, Exodus 15:26
Adonai -> Hashem and Master, Psalm 16: 2
Yahweh Nissi -> Hashem my banner, Exodus 17:15
El Kanna -> Consuming fire, Exodus 34: 14
Yahweh Shalom -> Hashem is my Peace, Judges 6: 22 – 24
Qedosh Yisrael -> The Holy one of Israel, Leviticus 9: 1-2
Yahweh Tsuri -> Hashem my rock, Psalm 18:2
Yahweh Rohi -> Hashem is my shepherd, Psalm 23: 1
El Elyon -> Yahweh most high, Psalm 7:17
Yahweh Shammah -> Hashem is there (love love), Ezekiel 48: 35
Magen -> Hashem my shield, my protector; Psalm 3:3
Migdal -oz -> My strong tower or strong hold, Proverbs 18:10
Basileus Basileon -> The Kings of king, Revelation 19: 16
Miyweh Yisreal -> The hope of Israel, Psalm 71: 5
Ahk Yomin -> Ancient of Days, Daniel 7:9
Yahweh Hesed -> Yahweh of forgiveness, Nehemiah 9: 17
El Sali -> Yahweh, my rock. Psalm 18: 1
Yahweh Tsidqenu -> Hashem my righteousness
Ish -> Husband, Hosea 2: 16, 19 – 20
Tatros -> Physician Matthew 11: 5
Alpha Kai Omega -> Alpha & Omega, Revelation 22: 13
Immanuel -> God with us, Matthew 1: 22-23
Abba, Pater -> Father, 2 Corinthians 6: 18
In the Old Testament, Yahweh appeared to us in parts as our banner when we need things as manner, he appeared as a judge with Deborah, he appeared as a king and a soldier with David, he was called a prophet and appeared as a prophet in the Old Testament; but all the whole characters had one name in common ‘servant of Yahweh”. In the New Testament, Yahweh appeared to us as Yahshua he fed 5,000, he healed the sick. He no longer appears to us in parts but as a whole. This is why Yashua would call the greatest in the kingdom of God servants.
The wisdom of this world is not good, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:8 “wisdom which none of the princes of this world knew; for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.” They call it wisdom of the world because it is a popular wisdom, it is accepted wisdom. Wisdom preserves (mercy), it directs (proverbs 8: 20 – 31), and all other things. so, there is a wisdom of good (from God) and wisdom for evil, but we know that the wisdom of Yahweh is the wisdom that comes from heaven, which is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
If we were full of mercy, we would not have killed a harmless man because he said he was the king of the Jews. If we were impartial, Ahab would not have killed Naboth for his plot of land. In fact, in Naboth’s death, it was said that they (the elders and the nobles) brought accusation against him using two scoundrels, to lay a charge against him that he cursed both God and the King. A similar charge was laid against Yahshua (1 Kings 21: 10 -13). If people were merciful or even considerate, they would not have killed the prophets and Stephen. no person with a heart for Yahweh will acquit the guilty and condemn the innocent. (Proverbs 17: 15, Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the LORD detests them both.) Yet, we acquitted Barnabas and killed Yahshua.
Accusation – Mark 15
They asked Yahushua if he was the king of the Jews and he said you say that I am. So, the chief priest accused him of MAnY things. The emphasis on Many. An accusation was brought against Daniel because he prayed to a different God, an accusation was brought against Joseph by Potiphar’s wife. In the case of Yahshua there were many accusations (no wonder the bible called the devil the accuser of the brethren and said the Pharisees were doing the works of their father the devil accusing him of having Beelzebub spirit) John 8: 44- 45. Because it was their festival, it was their grand occasion, to release a prisoner from whom the people choose, Barabbas (son of the father). The chief priest accused Yahshua, then Pilate asked him to answer and see how many things they were accusing him of.
In my opinion, Yahshua won’t answer because 1) John 2: 24-25 ‘But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person. Luke 23: 46, Psalm 31:5 “Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last”.
He instead commits or entrusts his spirit to the father. 2) He had resigned himself to the will of Yahweh. Luke 22: 42. Mark 5: 9 tells us because of the self-interest the chief priest handed Yahshua over to Barabbas.
The soldier mocked Yahshua:
He was led to the palace.
They put purple robes on him and twisted a crown of thorns on him. (Purple a color of royalty; and a crown of kingship).
They actually called out ‘Hail, king of the Jews! But isn’t he still the king of the Jews.
They struck him on his head, spat on him, then they (the soldiers) fell on their knees and paid homage to him. (Don’t we still fall on our knees to pay homage to the kings of kings)’. In putting the purple robe on him, they actually recognized him as royalty; without knowing it, in calling and hailing him the king of the Jews in mockery he became one, they bowed to him in mockery thereby assigning their authority to him. This reminds me of Joseph who told his father and brother he saw trees bowing to him and they mocked him and jeered at him.
They removed his purple robe and put on his clothes to crucify him. (The fact that they had bowed before him in jest, means they had acknowledged him as King. A harmless and innocent man was who they crucified). Truly, the bible warns us that in the last days perilous times would come; people would be despisers of those that are good. 2 Timothy 3: 3.
His crucifixion
The scripture that says I am crucified in Christ, nevertheless, I live yet not I, but Christ lives in me. To be crucified with Christ means to die from your sins and share in his suffering. John 15:18-20, I Peter 4: 12-14, it’s said myrrh and wine was given to Yahshua to dull the effect of the pain he felt but he rejected it. Even at the foot of the cross when he was with two rebels. People who passed by him hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying ‘You are going to destroy the temple and build it in 3 days, come down and save yourself. In the midst of suffering being nailed at the cross people still hurled insults at him. I always thought if someone was already suffering the consequences of their sins, why add insult to injury. Apparently, people can do this even the chief priest yelled ‘he saved others let him save himself’.
In 3 days, the whole land was filled with darkness (and this is how the 2nd return of Yahshua is foretold to be). Eloi Eloi Sabachthani; Jesus said. When offered Vinegar, he took it and gave up the ghost. The series of events that led to the death of Christ were accusations -> mockery, insults and scourging -> whipping -> death.
There were ultimately only a few people seen at the foot of the cross; Mary, Mary the mother of Joseph, James, Mary Magdala, in the account of Luke John was there.
Moral of the story
a) humans’ propensity for wickedness knows no bound. The chief priest a majority agreed that an innocent man was guilty and coerced the people into crucifying an innocent and blameless. It had been so and still is with group effect. Very few people can change this and will change this effect when compassion and mercy is gone, people are full of judgement.
b) Humans hate what they don’t understand. Once it has entered into the heart of a man that a mere human would call himself the son of God, so the people revolted. The chief priests had their own self-interest, in that they didn’t want a man with no background to rise in popularity to be the ‘King of the Jews’.
c) Even if a man suffers for a crime, he is guilty or not, humans once filled with judgement will have no compassion at all. And add insult to injury. If they did it with Jesus, they can still do it.
d) A heart that will not change will not change. Pilate told the chief priest he found no fault in Yahshua (Jesus), but the chief priest still got MAnY accusation; because they were determined to find any fault or occasion to use against him.
e) Sometimes, we mock the truth without knowing it. Jesus is still the king of the Jews, we still bow before and reference him, so mocking what is the reality is a norm for humans. Because without understanding; people perish.
f) When accused of many things, the accuser of the brethren the devil stands day and night making accusations against us. (Revelation 12: 10). Whilst we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but it is important to note the pharisees were doing the work of the devil (their father) John 8:44. Bringing many accusations against Yahusha; by their fruit ye shall know them indeed.
We seldom understand the wisdom of this world, crucifies the innocent and acquits the guilty this why wickedness in the world. This is why Naboth died, the prophets died, Yahshua the kings of kings died, Stephen died. The parable of the landowners and the tenants Matthew 21: 33 -21: 46). It is natural to hate what is good and in the last days it’s no different. When wicked people inflict wickedness on each other they scream wickedness (Matthew 27: 2-8). Neither party wanted the money because they recognized their guilt in Judas and the chief priest but would not change, they instead tried to undo their actions and the chief priest denied the responsibility of blood-stained money, yet an innocent person was killed for them. The human heart is indeed wicked. The wisdom from Elohim is pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Having a heart for the world will kill you as it did Yahshua; this is the reality. I have only a heart for the things of Elohim himself, Elohim and people who have a heart for me, and the one Elohim asked me to have a heart for like David. After as David would put it in iniquity, I formed in sin as I fashioned, and as Jesus would put it; my meat is to do the will of the father that which he asked me to do.
End note
Psalm 2: 3, Isaiah 8:10, Isaiah 54:17
In mocking Yahshua, it is written that God is not mocked whatever a man soweth so he will reap, then mocked the king of the Jews and they are reaping it….
If the one enthroned in heaven laughs; I laugh too, if Yahweh scoffs at them, so do I, as he has installed his king in Zion, his holy mountain; I will proclaim Hashem’s decree as I have become your son today as you are my father.