Where we stand, or the choices we make in life, determine what we get from life. When a holy war arises, we must choose between justice and mercy. I choose mercy, placing my nation ahead of the required justice. When you do wrong, as a nation, you require mercy from God. Of course, my will was overridden by my country, which enacted its vision of justice, and God allowed it. When another nation is brought to account and is found wanting, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN becomes the decree from God. So, if the side I choose falls, I too will fall. I have realized this.
I have no message for my nation, because of my choices. What you choose is what stands before you. The marriage you created for samson is like the country you build. Religious and moral vices in that marriage mirror those of the men in my country. The vices in the woman reflect those of the women of the nation. After justice is done, the person with a message for Nigeria is not me. You may ask why:
- A word fitly spoken is like apples of Gold in settings of silver. You cannot use a report used in a factory in America for Nigerian setting. If a word or some news breaks out about hurricane in America, it really is not an information you need except you are facing the same challenge.
- I asked you to show mercy, but you choose justice. Since Justice presides over mercy.
- I am in accordance sent to the Gentile nation to rebuild their sanctuary, in trying to stop me is like stopping samson who is a giant, like your nation, his progress slows if mine slows. So, you choose.
Paul said he was appointed a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher to the Gentiles. Since I am a prisoner for Christ, I know that as long as I help the Gentile nations, there is no favor from my nation; fair is fair. When asked to stir up the gift of God in them, which is within them through the laying on of hands, to stir up the gift in a nation means to lay your hands on people appointed to do God’s work, for revival to take place in that nation.
You, after all, are called to a “holy calling,” so act as one. We may suffer these things; nevertheless, I am not ashamed. I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Yes, one could be like Snow White, asleep for three years, but it is essential to remember that if we suffer, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will also deny us (1 Timothy 2:11-12).
Since the foundation of the Lord, which he built in the Gentile nations, stands sure, the Lord still knows those who are his. So, why fear?