Water to Wine – John 3, John 19:33-34

Jesus turning water to wine is my favorite Jesus story as child. Probably because it’s a miracle we all need when we need saving at the right place and the right time. But as examine the scriptures, the wedding shows the covenant that Jesus has with us. You notice when a covenant is to be broken or made (see Esther), Parables (stories): wine is always present typically as with the enactment of the same laws governing Jesus’ death.

John 19:33-34 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. 34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

His sides were pierced, and water came out and blood symbolizing water to wine, a new covenant through Christ Jesus. The communion stating this is my blood for the new covenant Matthew 26:28. We are filled when we thirst, so as jars/vessels in Jesus family through the covenant by his blood. We draw water from the wells of salvation. This is why Jesus satisfies our thirst (the woman by the well), thirst and hunger for righteousness. Jesus first saves us by giving us living water of salvation and when we are filled with his spirit; feeds our need for righteousness.

Cana -> abundance of reed or cane in a particular area.

Galilee -> fertile mountains.

Jesus fills our temple (body), so one will not fill it with material things. This is why the concluding story of turning water to wine; the next story you would see is Jesus clearing the temple courts. Luke 2: 13 – 20 with whips out of cords where money exchangers turned his father’s house into a marketplace. John 2: 20 clearly shows the temple was his body. we have this earthly temple called the BODY, what are we feeding our body with?

Luke 2: 25, Psalm 118: 8 – 9

He is our abundance of everything in every area, turns deserts into mountains. We are all like the 6 stone jars filled up.


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