The Weapon of Our Warfare – 2 Corinthians 10: 3-9

W.F Kumuyi

2 Corinthians 10: 4
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

Paul was a citizen of Cilicia, a province of Rome and home to the notorious Cilician pirates. These bandits of the Mediterranean had built fortifications in Cilicia Tracheae a rugged, mountainous area in the west from where they controlled the entire maritime route from the Middle East all the way to Rome. At the height of their power, the pirates pillaged ships, took slaves from land harbors and spread hunger and terror throughout the region. When they launched a raid at Ostia, barely fifteen miles from Rome, causing the grip of famine to tighten on the famed seat of power, Rome had finally had enough. General Pompey was sent to dismantle the extensive pirate network. In 89 days, he routed the pirates by pulling down their strongholds and forcing them into open spaces where they could easily be defeated.

This was the true legend behind Paul’s illustration in today’s passage. We need to pull down the strongholds of Satan through the weapons of our warfare. Satan’s strongholds are his command-and-control Centre from where he launches spiritual attacks and incursions into defenseless human lives. Lacking the grace and power of God, the natural man is but a mere pawn in the devil’s chess game.

Pulling down every stronghold is possible when we receive the power and authority that Christ gives after our repentance from sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation grants the believer access to the mighty weapons of righteousness, faith fortress – the name of Jesus.

In the name of Jesus, begin to cast down every ideology, imagination or situation that opposes your knowledge of God as a good, gracious and benevolent one.

Recognizing your authority in Christ guarantees your victory.

Strong hold are wars waged against our minds.


The Battle Belongs To The Lord

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