The test for fitness – Matthew 21 & 22, Esther 1

Jesus tells two parables in Matthew 21: 28 -32, and Matthew 21: 33 – 43, Matthew 22: 1-14
In these parables we see 5 kinds of servants in the household, vineyard, and wedding banquet story.
There are two sons i.e. sons of God as we are through Christ Jesus: 1)
1)The first son who is like Jesus (Jesus said the greatest in the kingdom of God, should be a servant by serving, so like Jesus became a servant we all are as well. Paul said I became many things for the sake of the gospel, and Jesus is both a lion and a lamb, as well as a prophet and a savior – Matthew 23: 11-12) was sent to serve, he said I will not (as Jesus said Lord let this cup pass over me, he didn’t want to die, yet he did), but this servant repented.
2) The second son, likewise, refused to work in Gods vineyard.


Parable two:
Was about a householder who planted a vineyard and when the time of the fruit drew near (harvest – end of days), he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.

1) The husbandmen kinds of servant who killed and stoned another. there is but one husband/groom the church has, and that is the lord Jesus, so these men acted as husbandmen were hence the reference Jesus made many shall come in my name saying I am he. Matthew 24:5 but as the antichrist will kill other servants and stone them. We know Jesus did not do this.

2)His son, Jesus came, and the husbandmen killed him.

Their Judgement according to Jesus:
When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?

41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.

42 Jesus saith unto them, did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?

43 Therefore say I unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

These men rejected Jesus by first rejecting his word sent by the servant to receive the fruits in their seasons. So, the kingdom of God, not the Kingdom of heaven will be taken from them. The kingdom of God is already here, this why we say the lord’s prayer.

Then Matthew 22, which speaks on the importance of speaking the word of God to produce fruit of the spirit, God told his servant to get from the husbandmen. The parable of the two-son emphasis’s the willingness to work for God, the second to bring fruits and for God, so the kingdom of God would come and not for us as the husbandmen and the last would be the people who hear his call and do his will with the right type of garment. The follow the sequence, call forth laborers, plant the seed of God’s word and return to him wearing the right work clothes.

This is where from the husbandmen, being told the kingdom of God would be taken from them, we see what the kingdom of heaven is like and why it is taken from them.

The kingdom of heaven (not the kingdom of heaven), is a king (Elohim as King Xerxes, remember God told his people after they had killed his son in the last parable that he’d take the kingdom from the and give to another nation because they refused to release fruits). The whole story and big picture of the last 2 parables fit into this big one.) So, to make enter the kingdom of God we must answer God call and then give him fruits and produce fruits, which Israel (the Jewish one was trying to do until, they killed Jesus).

Back to the story, God prepares a wedding banquet (it’s such an irony Jesus first miracle was at a wedding to, turning water to wine because his mother asked him to do so: and he uses vineyard (which makes wine) and a wedding banquet to tell parables as well) for his sons (as we are his sons by adoption as Jesus is the son of God, we are the son of the father). He sends for the first set of servants to come for the banquet (Just as Ahasuerus, calls for Vashti), he tells these servants to come, but they don’t come. They pay no attention going about the king’s field and businesses to seize servants and mistreat them as the husbandmen.

God tells his servants, that since the banquet is ready, he called people he invited but they did not deserve to come. He asks them to go around the streets and corners to invite anyone you find. (So, the king disposed Vashti and asked they invite all young maidens to come) but as the king came, he noticed guests without the wedding dress, and he told his servant to tie them hand and foot to throw them out. (Esther, wedding dress was prayer, however beautiful stones are in the house of God, without prayer, it is no longer a house of prayer as Jesus called it). Because many are called but few are chosen. I challenge you as the parables of all parables says in Luke 18 vs 1 “18 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint:”. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 18. Prayer is fitness. Ephesians 6:18.

Prayer point:

Pray for the writer as well, that they strike a blow to their body and make it their slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. (as I do myself).

Pray that hearer or reader read and are edified. (Love your neighbor)

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