The Perils of a Soldier – A lonely walk with God Psalm 116, John 16

Only the lord is gracious and righteous, a God full of compassion who protects the unwary when we are brought low; David said this, how did he know God protects him when he is unwary. Psalm 116 vs 5 shows a God we can lean to and cry out to him in times of distress. How did David know to lean to God to cry out to him. He begins to say, the Lord is with ME in verse 6, I will not be afraid, what can mere mortals do to me. The lord is with me, he is my helper. How did David know the Lord was with him. He begins to say it is better for me to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans nor princes. Here, we see Baruch Haba Bshem Adonai. David begins to welcome only those who come in the name of the LORD; Psalm 118 vs 26.

John 16 vs 32 Jesus spoke about his disciples leaving him all alone; but says yet I am not alone for the father is with me. Jesus has a companion through trying times (the Father), Davids’s companion through trying times (the LORD), and who is our companion through trying times (the Holy spirit) whom Jesus calls the ADVOCATE.

So, the definition of an Advocate is one who speaks up for someone when they don’t have a voice or someone who support you to speak for yourself when you can.

ie a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.

I am not a lawyer, however in In John 16; Jesus begins to explain why the advocate is needed to his disciples. He foretells that there will be a fall away (much like the falling away before the lawless one is revealed 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, and what happens to people when they fall away Hebrew 6:6). He says they (the disciples as Christians) would be put in synagogue and those who kill true Christians will think they are offering a service to God. The bible says clearly in the last days people will not be able to discern between good and bad, therefore calling bad, good and good bad (2 Timothy 3: 3 – despisers of good matching with Isaiah 5:20). If people/the church are already finding it difficult to differentiate what is good and evil, it tells you we at the very end as the falling away is started. Jesus says people do these things because they have not known the father or Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:7), John 16:3. Jesus warns ahead of time about this: he told his disciples that this is why he is sending the advocate:

  1. they’d be filled with grief when such things happen, and Jesus won’t be there.
  2. He proves the world to be in wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgement about sin (verse 9).
  3. He is given to us; so, we won’t feel alone because we can’t see Jesus physically any longer.
  4. Judgement because the prince of this world now stands condemned.
  5. The spirit of truth guides us in all the truth.
  6. He does not speak on his own, he speaks only what he hears and tells you what is yet to come.
  7. The Advocate glorifies Jesus because it is from him, that he receives what he will make known to us.

    Jesus begins to say you will mourn while the world rejoices; you will grieve but your grief will turn to joy. In that day, you will no longer ask anything, but the father will give you anything you ask in Jesus’s name (that is in his name). The Advocate helps you in this as well. Jesus says until now you have not asked anything. so, he says now because you have the advocate you can ask, and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. Jesus will not ask the father on our behalf, the father answers us because we love Jesus and Jesus comes from the Lord. Baruch Haba Bshem Adonai.

The spirit of God helps us with our infirmities (Romans 8: 26), for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings we can’t understand. Thats how the advocate speaks up for us when we are weak or cannot pray. He comforts our soul when he speaks for us to the father in an unknown tongue. (See 1 Corinthians 12, 14).

So, it is my prayer that his spirit works in us to do his will and good pleasure. Philippians 2: 13.


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