The Lords Goodness to his People Psalm 106, 107

Note: It’s the Lord’s hand on me, helping me write and not mine. The builder of the house is greater than the house.

The Lord begins by commending those who obey His commands. It’s not a loss for a nation whose foundation is Christ to see just how good God has been to them, as with you remembering His saving grace towards us, especially when we doubt His love for us. The psalmist, in anticipation, says: “Let me see the prosperity of Your people.”

They confessed their sins, their wicked and evil ways. God saved them as He promised, and He gave them commands at the Red Sea, and it dried up (a place where your enemies are destroyed). Yet, they still forgot what God had done. Sometimes, I even lose sight of what God has done in my life. They acted without waiting and put God to the test, so he gave them (His people) a terrible disease. They grew jealous of men like Moses, who worked more righteously than they did. How could they be jealous of God’s own elect when they were a chosen nation and people as well? Incredible.

They exchanged the glory of God for the image of an animal that eats grass; they forgot God, who saved them and His mighty acts in Egypt. Egypt is not just a mindset; it is a place of captivity, a nation finds itself in when God’s wrath is upon them. They rejected the pleasant land God gave them because they did not believe. He scattered their descendants among the heathens. Have you not seen citizens of top Christian nations, like America, recently going to heathenistic nations? All the sins mentioned here, top Christian nations like America have committed them. So, why will the Lord be happy with you? Whoever encourages you to sin doesn’t like your nation.

At some point, at Peor, God’s people joined in the worship of Baal, sacrificing to dead gods, mostly because they did not trust in God anymore and lost sight of his faithfulness. When you trust in anything else, going out to get a surrogate rather than trusting and waiting on him, you deny God the glory of working in your life. He is worth the wait. At Meribah, bitterness overtook some faithful men of God, like Moses, and they spoke without thinking. The people God asked them to kill, they did not do so. Instead, they intermarried with them and adopted their pagan ways. It wasn’t only Solomon who did this. Hosea married Gomer, who was an Israelite woman, not a foreigner. Many Christian nations, whose foundation is the Lord, have done this, and the Lord is not pleased.

Then, in Psalm 106:41, the Lord decided to abandon them to the power of the heathen, and their enemies ruled over them. This is similar to the case of the 3 years without rain happening now. God’s people were oppressed by their enemies and in complete subjection to them. Many times, the Lord rescued His people, but they chose to rebel against him and sank deeper into sin. Because of the covenant He had with their fathers and his great love, he relented. They cried and said, “Lord, save us and bring us back from among the nations, so we may be thankful and praise Your holy name.”

So, then, why not praise the Lord, the God of Israel? Praise Him now and forever! Let everyone say Amen!

I always say to keep the commands of God as nation is easy, but to hold onto the instruction is very hard. Very few managed to get to get the hang of that. So, if you see a once upon a time Christian nation with these symptoms, I say this with love, it’s a call from God to repent. You may be mad as I have been because God deliberately delayed my life for 5years to do this. But come repent and turn back to God to wait on him.

I normally, do not like evangelism, I find I am stuck because if I don’t do this, God won’t let me move. My life is at ransom and a life for rent at the moment. Why? I hate to interfere with a nations issue. Plus, there are nations that benefit from Christian nations not believing in God, who will be against this message. Why? one nations downfall is the gain of another. There is a place in Job where God says he has placed kings and because of this promise, that they will rule forever, he tries to restore them, if they heed, they prosper otherwise he will kill them. But will not remove the kingdom from them. So, as kings rule righteously. God rewards faithfulness and still hate sin and not the sinner.

Sometimes, one has to learn to walk in the wilderness and still trust God still.

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