Grace not dependent on works – Romans 4, 5

I once had a friend who was in school, who people used to tease her that she was SU. Most people from my country know what it mean. Spiritual Unions. She gave me long list rules. Of course, I wasn’t conscious of living right then. I just did as I thought then. So she told me, we are grace is the ability to live above sin, and I was not conscious of it but really its true. Because we were justified by faith, this faith is tied to our father Abraham Romans 4: 2 not based on works, “says Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”. Pam Pam as people belonged to the class of people they called spiritual sisters in my school termed as SU. I never really did care she was the 3rd person I met upon entering the University. She had something to say about the trousers, I was wearing have nails. She had some points I will tell you that; I was like its your call but its really not by works, we are justified but by faith and its true as well. Faith that is based on what Jesus has done and not what we have done.

So when people tell me: you have to work in a church to be a believer. I ask show me your faith and I will show you my work. If we all had to have works to prove we had faith and believed in God, then there would be no Abraham. Because he was not in a church when he met God. It is really only by his mercy really I AM what I am. I see the road, I’ve travelled and i think it truly could only have been Gods grace. Thank God.

Good Mentors vs Bad Ones – Exodus 18, Proverbs 6 vs 12

Jethro was a not just a mentor to Moses, he gave him suggestions on how to do his work better, faster and more effectively. He ordered his conversation aright. Conversely, Proverbs say worthless and wicked people go around telling lies and deceive.

God hates: a) Proud looks b) a lying tongue c) hands that kill innocent people d) a mind that thinks up wicked plans e) feet that hurry to do evil (f) a witness who tells one lie after another (g) someone who stirs up trouble among friends. Jethro suggested appointing capable men to help judge minor cases, reserving only the significant cases for Moses.

Jethro however communicated accurately telling Moses saying “Show them the way to live and perform duties”. He was encouraged to choose capable men from among the people – those who feared God, who are trustworthy and hate deceitful gains, which he did excellently. Where are you called today?

Jeremiah’s sorrow for his People – Jeremiah 8

This verse shows Jeremiah crying for people who worship idols, where they bow down to useless foreign gods. They cry that summer is gone and harvest is over, but they have not been saved. Some of God’s people fall under oppression, while others oppress others with wicked dealings, much like the Pharisees.

The first group of God’s people cry, saying “peace, peace,” but will not release the other group of God’s people. And so, God calls to the daughter of His people from afar, crying; she is Zion, her King is in her. God said they should not provoke Him with graven images or strange vanities. “For the hurt of the daughter of My people, I am hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold of me.”

Who needs a balm in Gilead, when there is no physician there? Why then is the health of the daughter of My people not recovered? So, they healed the hurt of the daughter of God’s people, saying “peace, peace,” when there was no peace.

God doesn’t play mind games. To release the health of someone doesn’t guarantee He will answer unless you surrender all and release His people whom you afflict.

Choose your battles. – 2 Chronicles 35

Josiah was one of the youngest king to rule, as of 8 year, he started to rule. Josiah offered the best Passover sacrifice but made a mistake to stop the King of Egypt, Neco from going to Carchemish on the river Euphrates.

Josiah tried to stop him (Neco) even when Neco told him his business was not Josiah concern. And that God had given him the right to go to battle and that if Josiah opposed him, he was opposing Gods will. Sometimes, we have to know what battle to fight and which one to let go off. Of course Josiah the then King of Judah, did not listen and got shot and died. He was rushed back and was buried. His story was a lamentation for all to read.

Bear Witness, Seek his Glory – Revelation 4: 11, John 5

The primary reason why we bear witness is to bear witness about Jesus. Its like we go to college to get information to somehow prove education is valuable. OR we go to vocational to show that being skilled and having a craft is useful in future of that institution. Thus we carry the school as an Alumni. Similarly, its is written

“How can we believe, when we receive glory from another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God”.

We seek the honor of the father for he alone is worthy of our glory, all adoration, power and glory forever more.

Revelation 4: 11

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

Survey before Work – Nehemiah 2: 9 – 18

The typical thing to do before we start to do is survey before work commences.

13 By night I went out through the Valley Gate toward the Jackal[a] Well and the Dung Gate, examining the walls of Jerusalem, which had been broken down, and its gates, which had been destroyed by fire. – Nehemiah 2: 13

Over 1200 years separate the ministries of Joseph, son of Jacob, and Nehemiah, son of Hachaliah. However, the Holy Spirit, beyond the limits of time and space, consistently imparted invaluable wisdom to each generation as they faced pivotal decisions. When Joseph was tasked with saving Egypt, he first conducted a nationwide survey. Centuries later, as Nehemiah prepared to rebuild Jerusalem, he sought the Lord’s guidance to first assess the situation before starting the work.

The Lord instructed him to travel alone through the city, gathering details on the extent of the damage to Jerusalem’s walls. This careful investigation was crucial for developing a sound plan of action.

Despite his high position in Shushan and the abundant resources provided for the project in Jerusalem, Nehemiah remained humble, seeking divine guidance before beginning his work.

A Friend loveth at all times Proverbs 17: 17

Two men were traveling down the road together when a bull appeared out of nowhere. Before the bull could spot them, one guy ran for a tree at the side of the road, climbed into its branches, and hid. The other man, who wasn’t as nimble as his tree-climbing companion threw himself on the ground and pretended to be dead. The bull came up, sniffed all around him, and appeared to whisper something in his ear. The man had always heard that bears wont touch a dead body, so he lay perfectly still and held his breadth. Sure enough, the bear took him for a corpse and left. When the coast was clear, the guy in tree came down. Curious, he asked his buddy what the bear had whispered when it put its mouth directly to his ear. His friend replied, “He told me never to travel with a friend who deserts you at the first sign of danger!” Its easy to be friends with someone who is successful, has it together, riding the crest in the wave. What of the person that falls like Job. The bible says” A friend loveth at all times”.

Prophesy against Babylon – Revelation 18: 4

Jeremiah 51:6

“Flee from Babylon!
    Run for your lives!
    Do not be destroyed because of her sins.
It is time for the Lord’s vengeance;
    he will repay her what she deserves.

Revelation 18: 4

Then I heard another voice from heaven say:

“‘Come out of her, my people,’[a]
    so that you will not share in her sins,
    so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
for her sins are piled up to heaven,
    and God has remembered her crimes.

Speaks of the coming judgement of God as it was in the time of Jeremiah, it will be in Revelation. I will punish Bel in Babylon and make him spew out what he has swallowed. The nations will no longer stream to him. And the wall of Babylon will fall. In Jeremiah 51: 44 promises to punish Bel in Babylon as with Revelation 18 because of her sins. In this time, the kings of the earth, the rulers and the military chiefs, the rich and powerful, and all other people, slave and free will have prepared a place to hide themselves in caves and under the rocks in the mountains. This took place in Revelation 6: 15.


Ephesians 4 vs 10,  Song of Solomon 2, 3

Ephesians talks about the parts of the body of Christ, some as evangelist, others as prophets, teachers and they work as the body does like the hand works with the chest to move likewise as the feet cannot say to the toe it is useless. The fundamental idea is every part of the body of Christ even  the small part we deem useless are the most useful. So no matter the work we do for God no matter how small it is, it is useful to the body of Christ.

Some people say those who donate never do anything, some say those who teach like the lime light, some say those who pick up the communion plates after communion are not useful. But in the eyes of God, all are equally useful. Because we as believers as fitly joined together.

Heavy Burdens – Psalm 55: 22

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved”

Sometimes, my life can get really busy and the call to cast my burden on the lord and he will sustain me. Is just the encouragement we need so that we will not be moved. Circumstances are always changing, we always need to be somewhere and do something or help out somewhere.

“Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?” (Isaiah 58:6)