I am for peace. But when I speak, they are for war. – Psalm 120 vs 7.
As the sword is the word of God. Let your word begin to penetrate through the hearts of souls of men. David saith “Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” I Samuel 17:45.
David defeated Goliath with the word of God. David did not have a physical sword, but he had the sword of the word of God he spoke before the battle against Goliath. He had a flawless victory with a sling and stone.
You would smear me with lies, you are all worthless physicians all of you. If only you would altogether be silent! for you that would be wisdom.
What you know I also know, as I am not inferior to you. Will you speak deceitfully for him, will you argue a case for Yahweh? would it turn out well, if he examined you? could you deceive him as you deceive mortal men? Your maxims are proverbs of ashes, (Colossians 2:8 “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.”), your defenses are defence of clay (Daniel 2: 43 “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay”).
why do I put my jeopardy and take my life in Yahweh’s hands. Though he slays me, I will yet hope in him. I have no defence of my ways to Yahweh. Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance for no GODLESS Person WOULD DARE COME BEFORE ME! Listen carefully to what I say, let my words ring in your ears. Grant me only two things:
Yahweh and I will not hide my face from you.
Withdraw your hand far from me.
Then summon me and I will answer or let me speak and reply to me. Why then do you hide your face and consider me. why do you hide your face and consider me your enemy. Will-you torment a wind-blown leaf? FOR YOU WRITE BITTER things against me, YOU Fasten my feet in shackles, you keep close watch on all my paths by putting marks on the SOLES OF MY FEET.
This is thanks to @d_tamilore. I woke one morning and opened my phone to see the names of Yahweh.
Yatser -> Master Potter Isaiah 64: 8
Elohim -> God the creator Genesis 1:1
Yahweh -> I am that I am, Exodus 3: 15
El Roi -> Yahweh who SEES ME, Genesis 16: 13-14
Elshaddai -> Adonai Almighty, Genesis 17: 1
El Olam (my name is included here) -> The Eternal Yahweh, Genesis 21:33
Yahweh Yireh -> Hashem will provide, Genesis 22: 14
Yahweh Rapha -> Hashem who heals, Exodus 15:26
Adonai -> Hashem and Master, Psalm 16: 2
Yahweh Nissi -> Hashem my banner, Exodus 17:15
El Kanna -> Consuming fire, Exodus 34: 14
Yahweh Shalom -> Hashem is my Peace, Judges 6: 22 – 24
Qedosh Yisrael -> The Holy one of Israel, Leviticus 9: 1-2
Yahweh Tsuri -> Hashem my rock, Psalm 18:2
Yahweh Rohi -> Hashem is my shepherd, Psalm 23: 1
El Elyon -> Yahweh most high, Psalm 7:17
Yahweh Shammah -> Hashem is there (love love), Ezekiel 48: 35
Magen -> Hashem my shield, my protector; Psalm 3:3
Migdal -oz -> My strong tower or strong hold, Proverbs 18:10
Basileus Basileon -> The Kings of king, Revelation 19: 16
Miyweh Yisreal -> The hope of Israel, Psalm 71: 5
Ahk Yomin -> Ancient of Days, Daniel 7:9
Yahweh Hesed -> Yahweh of forgiveness, Nehemiah 9: 17
El Sali -> Yahweh, my rock. Psalm 18: 1
Yahweh Tsidqenu -> Hashem my righteousness
Ish -> Husband, Hosea 2: 16, 19 – 20
Tatros -> Physician Matthew 11: 5
Alpha Kai Omega -> Alpha & Omega, Revelation 22: 13
Immanuel -> God with us, Matthew 1: 22-23
Abba, Pater -> Father, 2 Corinthians 6: 18
In the Old Testament, Yahweh appeared to us in parts as our banner when we need things as manner, he appeared as a judge with Deborah, he appeared as a king and a soldier with David, he was called a prophet and appeared as a prophet in the Old Testament; but all the whole characters had one name in common ‘servant of Yahweh”. In the New Testament, Yahweh appeared to us as Yahshua he fed 5,000, he healed the sick. He no longer appears to us in parts but as a whole. This is why Yashua would call the greatest in the kingdom of God servants.
The wisdom of this world is not good, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:8 “wisdom which none of the princes of this world knew; for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.” They call it wisdom of the world because it is a popular wisdom, it is accepted wisdom. Wisdom preserves (mercy), it directs (proverbs 8: 20 – 31), and all other things. so, there is a wisdom of good (from God) and wisdom for evil, but we know that the wisdom of Yahweh is the wisdom that comes from heaven, which is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
If we were full of mercy, we would not have killed a harmless man because he said he was the king of the Jews. If we were impartial, Ahab would not have killed Naboth for his plot of land. In fact, in Naboth’s death, it was said that they (the elders and the nobles) brought accusation against him using two scoundrels, to lay a charge against him that he cursed both God and the King. A similar charge was laid against Yahshua (1 Kings 21: 10 -13). If people were merciful or even considerate, they would not have killed the prophets and Stephen. no person with a heart for Yahweh will acquit the guilty and condemn the innocent. (Proverbs 17: 15, Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the LORD detests them both.) Yet, we acquitted Barnabas and killed Yahshua.
Accusation – Mark 15
They asked Yahushua if he was the king of the Jews and he said you say that I am. So, the chief priest accused him of MAnY things. The emphasis on Many. An accusation was brought against Daniel because he prayed to a different God, an accusation was brought against Joseph by Potiphar’s wife. In the case of Yahshua there were many accusations (no wonder the bible called the devil the accuser of the brethren and said the Pharisees were doing the works of their father the devil accusing him of having Beelzebub spirit) John 8: 44- 45. Because it was their festival, it was their grand occasion, to release a prisoner from whom the people choose, Barabbas (son of the father). The chief priest accused Yahshua, then Pilate asked him to answer and see how many things they were accusing him of.
In my opinion, Yahshua won’t answer because 1) John 2: 24-25 ‘But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person. Luke 23: 46, Psalm 31:5 “Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last”.
He instead commits or entrusts his spirit to the father. 2) He had resigned himself to the will of Yahweh. Luke 22: 42. Mark 5: 9 tells us because of the self-interest the chief priest handed Yahshua over to Barabbas.
The soldier mocked Yahshua:
He was led to the palace.
They put purple robes on him and twisted a crown of thorns on him. (Purple a color of royalty; and a crown of kingship).
They actually called out ‘Hail, king of the Jews! But isn’t he still the king of the Jews.
They struck him on his head, spat on him, then they (the soldiers) fell on their knees and paid homage to him. (Don’t we still fall on our knees to pay homage to the kings of kings)’. In putting the purple robe on him, they actually recognized him as royalty; without knowing it, in calling and hailing him the king of the Jews in mockery he became one, they bowed to him in mockery thereby assigning their authority to him. This reminds me of Joseph who told his father and brother he saw trees bowing to him and they mocked him and jeered at him.
They removed his purple robe and put on his clothes to crucify him. (The fact that they had bowed before him in jest, means they had acknowledged him as King. A harmless and innocent man was who they crucified). Truly, the bible warns us that in the last days perilous times would come; people would be despisers of those that are good. 2 Timothy 3: 3.
His crucifixion
The scripture that says I am crucified in Christ, nevertheless, I live yet not I, but Christ lives in me. To be crucified with Christ means to die from your sins and share in his suffering. John 15:18-20, I Peter 4: 12-14, it’s said myrrh and wine was given to Yahshua to dull the effect of the pain he felt but he rejected it. Even at the foot of the cross when he was with two rebels. People who passed by him hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying ‘You are going to destroy the temple and build it in 3 days, come down and save yourself. In the midst of suffering being nailed at the cross people still hurled insults at him. I always thought if someone was already suffering the consequences of their sins, why add insult to injury. Apparently, people can do this even the chief priest yelled ‘he saved others let him save himself’.
In 3 days, the whole land was filled with darkness (and this is how the 2nd return of Yahshua is foretold to be). Eloi Eloi Sabachthani; Jesus said. When offered Vinegar, he took it and gave up the ghost. The series of events that led to the death of Christ were accusations -> mockery, insults and scourging -> whipping -> death.
There were ultimately only a few people seen at the foot of the cross; Mary, Mary the mother of Joseph, James, Mary Magdala, in the account of Luke John was there.
Moral of the story
a) humans’ propensity for wickedness knows no bound. The chief priest a majority agreed that an innocent man was guilty and coerced the people into crucifying an innocent and blameless. It had been so and still is with group effect. Very few people can change this and will change this effect when compassion and mercy is gone, people are full of judgement.
b) Humans hate what they don’t understand. Once it has entered into the heart of a man that a mere human would call himself the son of God, so the people revolted. The chief priests had their own self-interest, in that they didn’t want a man with no background to rise in popularity to be the ‘King of the Jews’.
c) Even if a man suffers for a crime, he is guilty or not, humans once filled with judgement will have no compassion at all. And add insult to injury. If they did it with Jesus, they can still do it.
d) A heart that will not change will not change. Pilate told the chief priest he found no fault in Yahshua (Jesus), but the chief priest still got MAnY accusation; because they were determined to find any fault or occasion to use against him.
e) Sometimes, we mock the truth without knowing it. Jesus is still the king of the Jews, we still bow before and reference him, so mocking what is the reality is a norm for humans. Because without understanding; people perish.
f) When accused of many things, the accuser of the brethren the devil stands day and night making accusations against us. (Revelation 12: 10). Whilst we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but it is important to note the pharisees were doing the work of the devil (their father) John 8:44. Bringing many accusations against Yahusha; by their fruit ye shall know them indeed.
We seldom understand the wisdom of this world, crucifies the innocent and acquits the guilty this why wickedness in the world. This is why Naboth died, the prophets died, Yahshua the kings of kings died, Stephen died. The parable of the landowners and the tenants Matthew 21: 33 -21: 46). It is natural to hate what is good and in the last days it’s no different. When wicked people inflict wickedness on each other they scream wickedness (Matthew 27: 2-8). Neither party wanted the money because they recognized their guilt in Judas and the chief priest but would not change, they instead tried to undo their actions and the chief priest denied the responsibility of blood-stained money, yet an innocent person was killed for them. The human heart is indeed wicked. The wisdom from Elohim is pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Having a heart for the world will kill you as it did Yahshua; this is the reality. I have only a heart for the things of Elohim himself, Elohim and people who have a heart for me, and the one Elohim asked me to have a heart for like David. After as David would put it in iniquity, I formed in sin as I fashioned, and as Jesus would put it; my meat is to do the will of the father that which he asked me to do.
End note
Psalm 2: 3, Isaiah 8:10, Isaiah 54:17
In mocking Yahshua, it is written that God is not mocked whatever a man soweth so he will reap, then mocked the king of the Jews and they are reaping it….
If the one enthroned in heaven laughs; I laugh too, if Yahweh scoffs at them, so do I, as he has installed his king in Zion, his holy mountain; I will proclaim Hashem’s decree as I have become your son today as you are my father.
This chapter begins with Jeremiah’s confinement in the courtyard. The word of Yahweh came to him regarding the houses in the city and royal palaces which had been torn down and used to make siege ramps and sword to fight the Babylonians. The Elohim had watch as Israel was filled with dead bodies and Yahweh exerted his wrath and anger upon Yisrael because they did not call upon him. Hence, he sought to hide his face from them because of all their wickedness.
Yet Elohim would not, as he chooses to bring healing and health to his people. It’s an irony that despite our sins; Jesus died for us; he doesn’t reward us according to our deeds as he did with Yisrael. He brought Israel and Judah back from captivity and gave them security and peace.
In verse 10, the Yahweh saith that people called them desolate and a waste place without animals and people, but he would surround them with sounds of Joy and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of those who bring thanksgiving to the house of Yahweh saying Give thanks to Hashem Almighty, for Elohim is good and his mercies endures forever. As the Psalmist saith.
The days coming.
In verse 23, People were saying that the Jehovah had rejected the kingdom he chose, so they despise Elohim’s people and no longer regarded them as a nation.
As Christian you have been in a season when it seems Elohim has rejected you and you are mocked that you are desolate, and you have been despised as Israel. Yahweh’s promises he made to his people still stands.
His promises
David will never fail to have a man to sit on throne of Israel, nor will Yahshua (Jesus) our high priest fails to stand continually to present his sacrifices on our behalf. The word came to me saying: “If you can break Yahweh’s covenant with day and night, so that day and night no longer come at the appointed time.” then Yahweh covenant with David his servant – and covenant with Jesus’ interceding before him can be broken and David will no longer have a descendant to reign on his throne. (Since, Jesus is alive and was raised on the 3rd day, we have a coming king, who will reign as David Descendant, and no one can break the timeline of day and night, God covenant to David fulfilled through Christ cannot be removed).
Elohim will make the descendants of David his servant minister before Yahweh as countless as the stars in the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore. (Genesis 26: 4; I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed). Similar enough, David ministers, Abraham creates.
If Yahweh has not made his covenant with day and night and established the laws of heaven and earth, then he will reject us the descendants of Jacob and David your servant and will not have choose one of his sons to rule over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For I will restore their fortunes[e] and have compassion on them.
I thank God that you bring comfort to the souls of men. I see the wisdom of men and I see the beauty of Elohim and there’s none like him. As David saith I’d rather be a fool in love with Elohim. Psalm 84:10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Is Christ divided? Was Paul or myself crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul or me? I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, so no one can say that you were baptized in my name.
1 Corinthians 2, So I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom, so my messages were not with wise and persuasive words, but the demonstration of the Spirit of Yahwehs power. So, my faith might not rest on human wisdom but Yahwehs power.
So, the wisdom of this message, I speak is for the mature and not the wisdom of this age, who are coming to nothing. Christ the power of God and the wisdom of Yahweh (1 Corinthians 1: 24), I Corinthians 1: 30, It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
If the rulers of this age, had been understood by the rulers of this age, they would not have crucified the Hashem of glory. Since no one knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of God, I have the mind of Christ. Thus, I speak, not in words taught by human wisdom but in words thought by the spirit of Yahweh.
Thus, there are no philosopher of this age with wisdom nor wise person or teacher of the law who is wise because Elohim has made foolish the wisdom of this world. For I preach Christ the power of Elohim and the Wisdom of Elohim.
So, when I come to you in my weakness revealing Elohim to you in great fear and trembling my message wasn’t with wise and persuasive words but with the power of the holyspirit, so my faith will rest not on human wisdom as Solomon but on the power of Yahweh.
it is in humility and gentleness today; I boast of the authority Yahweh has given me for building up rather than tearing down, and I will not be ashamed of it. I do not to seem to be trying to frighten you with my letters. For some say my letters are weighty and forceful but in person she is unimpressive and her speaking amount to nothing such people would realize that I am in my letters when I’m absent, I will be in my action when I am present.
I will not boast beyond proper limits, I will confine my boasting to the sphere of service of that which Yahweh assigns to me himself, a sphere that includes you. I am not going too far in boasting, as would be the case if I had not come to you, for I did not get as far as you with the gospel Christ.
neither do I go beyond my limits by boasting of work done by other(s). Our hope in Christ Jesus is that, as faith continues to expand; so that we preach the gospel in the regions beyond you.
For I do not want to boast about work already done in someone’s territory. Let the one who boast, boast in Christ. For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved but the one whom the lord commends.
I once heard Dr. Myles Munroe say doubt is normal for every human being. Today reading John 20 with Thomas I realized it is true. no matter how many times Thomas saw Jesus during the Passover where he predicted his death and how he would rise on the 3rd day, or where he healed the sick. Thomas would still doubt, doubt allows us raise question about our believes but it is doubt that leads to unbelief that we want to avoid because this brings death. That which leads to life brings belief in Christ Jesus and in his life at work in us is ok.
Job went through affliction but never doubt but said that God should take his life. That is the perseverance of a servant who is sold out. Job did doubt but he didn’t waiver in his trust in God. no matter the amount of times we see Jesus, a heart that will doubt will doubt.
Don Moen sang we want to see your glory (to see God face), we want to know your grace (to hear what God has to say about our life) but it requires humility to bow before him and listen for his voice. Before God is welcomed in us. Moses could not see Gods face at Mount Sinai but walked with God still, Jabez didn’t see God’s glory in his life but sought the lord in humility. It boils down to faith/ trust in God.
David says as I say even in when I feel secure, I shall never be shaken. Psalm 30: 6.
Jesus mentioned this thrice as he appeared to Mary Magdalene, his disciples and Thomas Didymus. In this chapter we see the disciples coming to Thomas telling him they had seen Jesus but Thomas vehemently said “Unless, I see the nailed hands, and put my fingers where the nails were and put my my hands into his side, He would not believe Jesus was risen and the disciples had seen him.
His hands show his suffering for us, the battle he had on the cross for our soul. He forgave and he spoke about forgiving us not withholding forgiveness. Its funny how we are Christians but we act in unbelief, some say I want to see you suffering to believe, you are Christ’s. I even act it out sometimes, It tells me we will battle unbelief in certain aspects of our lives, because Thomas walked with Jesus, he ate with Jesus, he saw miracles from Jesus , the disciples (not just 1 or 2 told him they had seen Jesus) and still doubted Jesus was raised. Thomas would not believe unless he saw the evidence of Jesus suffering, he not just wanted to:
see the nails, he wanted to:
put his finger inside and
put his hands into his side.
It sounds funny to me, but in all seriousness aren’t we all the same both believers and non believers. Two things dawn on me while reading this passage: In verse 19, that for FEAR of the Jewish leaders the disciples were together and locked their door. It seems we battle fear and doubt (as with Gideon) and in Christ righteousness can we be bold in the spirit. 2 Timothy 1:7, Proverbs 28: 1.
So 8 days later, some version says a week later, Jesus showed himself to Thomas and asked to Thomas to put his finger in his hands and touch his sides. Its interesting for me that Mary Magdalene couldn’t touch Jesus, because he hadn’t ascended at the time to the father, so it took Jesus approximately one week to ascend to the father and be back so Thomas could touch him and believe.
now Jesus wasn’t there when Thomas made this proclamation that he wouldn’t believe but he heard. Jesus said to Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; but blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”.
We see evidence from Israel, that the crucifixation took place, the tomb were his body lay still exist until today. Yet because we have not seen Jesus we doubt he exist. This passage is written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of Elohim, and by believing you may have life in his name.
Sometimes, we may not see him but he hears us, sometimes we may mistaken him to be some gardener or some god but he is near us, sometime we need evidence to believe and it is said that even Jesus physical body isn’t here or no physical evidence is there but his spiritual body (the church is here) to help you understand the scriptures that he is risen from the dead. John 20: 9
I opened the book of chronicles and saw how God first appeared to Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth until the descendant of Israel materialized in Chapter 2. I said to myself truly Adonai is a God for all ages, his footprints are in the sands of times and is seen from Generation to Generation.
In John 20, we see the disciples went to see the body of Jesus, so they went home only Mary Magdalene was still weeping at the tomb. In verse 14-15 Mary said “they have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid him”. It is said in the same scripture that Mary clung to the lord (not knowing he was there) because she couldn’t find his body because all she could see where linen clothes and an empty tomb. whilst Jesus stood near her and she didn’t know. God is right where we are standing near us but we may not see him. It is said in verse 15-16, Mary wept and sought the Lord and he appeared to her.
Jeremiah 29: 13 you will seek me and find me when you seek me with ALL your heart. 2 Chronicles 26: 5 says King Hezekiah sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the LORD, God gave him success. David said I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4). Psalm 63: 1 David says “O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsted for thee, my flesh longed for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;”.
Jesus said to (Mary) woman why are you weeping? whom do you seek? Mary thinking he was the gardener said, Sir, they have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him. In verse 18 Mary Magdalene announced to the disciples as I announce to you that ‘I have seen the lord’ – and he said this things to me
So, I pray our eyes be open to see him as Mary Magdalene as we search for him wholeheartedly as Mary. Job said my ears have heard of you but now my eyes see you. Through Mary broken heartedness to see the lord she saw him. Anytime, I see the face of Jesus we the love he has for his sheep, how he stays at the gate when we invite him in, when he says beware! for our safety… when he says beware not to do your prayers in public… as he appeared to marry he tells her ‘Do not hold on to me, for i am yet to ascend to the father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ” I am ascending to my father and you father, to my Elohim and your Elohim”. He watches over us.
A savior that loves his sheep will appear to you when you are weeping and broken hearted if you seek him today! Be determined to seek him with ALL your heart.
Thinking out LOUD
Its always a wonder for me that Mary means mar close to mara the name Ruth had akin to sorrow but the actual meaning of Mary in Hebrew is bitter or a drop of the sea. So even still Jesus is close to the bitter people. As similar situation with Ruth, Naomi, Joab and Jabez… it was in bitterness job spoke as well as Naomi, I guess in the broken places of our life God is near to the broken hearted and poor. Proverbs 34: 18. Ruth 1: 13