Not physically present – 1 Corinthians 5:3

1 Corinthians 5:3 Although I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit, and I have already pronounced judgment on the one who did this, just as if I were present. For my part, even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit.

This life can sometimes be an irony, yea, I heard Pastor Tim Dilena mock saying Jonah, yes it seems I am sent to the gentile nation. But I cannot be present with them, as I build myself up; they get built up as well. Since, my nation claimed there was no need for holiness, naturally justice had to be served someway. I did go to their sanctuary to take songs as it was freely given, I took it joyfully. And I would repeat it again. Since, my nation had no need for holiness but justice naturally their spirit as a nation is tied to the marriage.

I don’t consider myself to be good nor bad, I’m just shrewd and discipline as I see my life play out in another nation. I am wondering if I am dreaming but fair is fair in the game of war and peace. One of the hardest things to do is hold my peace. Exodus 14: 14 “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

When you have done all, you can do, stand still for the salvation arm of the lord to be revealed. It sounds easy but hard in practice to do, when we serve God as kings, we see ourselves as kings not as lame, blind neither. Even men in my country call themselves kings, but a nation ruling the whole world thinks he is lame, without faith it is impossible to please God, as one reigns as kings in righteousness, truth and justice. It is only a fair price to believe this or continue doubting that you were created for such a time as this. Jesus was a carpenter’s son, but he still is the king of the Jews. It is not the position you are in, it’s that you have been chosen. Thats not something someone can easily change.

As I hear, China threatening that America has to be removed, it has flaws and what not, 2 things came to my mind, I checked if China has debt, and yes it had ‘a trillion-dollar local debt’. If it was not the number one nation and it had this debt. What happens when it is the number one nation. Yes, America was a nation once founded in righteousness but lost its way. It will naturally pay the price for its sin. But to replace it position might be difficult, because no other nation has its foundation formed in righteousness. China is a nation that prides in discipline and law, it’s not that laws aren’t good, they’re just not sufficient enough. Plus, the years of experience, America has had failing, learning and relearning will be had to replace. sometimes, that’s why I don’t worry. I have not read any country that has held the fiat that has successfully stayed out of debt – Britain couldn’t, Netherland couldn’t, and I doubt the best of any other nation would. I do believe a nation should not transfer its debt to another nation except it builds that nation with the agreement that the inflation shared by America is brought on that nation by the expanse of its development. Why? Jesus gives weights according to your ability. It is unfair to put burdens on people who don’t have the capabilities to bear them. Afterall, to whom much is given much is required. The question is not having what another person has, the question is, is it for you? I thank God for his mercy upon my life, it’s because of Christ I am what I am.

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