Micah’s Idol’s – Judges 17

Every time I read, Micah’s story I have different perspective of what it means. Micah was a priest whom his mother groomed him with money, and he took the 1000 shekels of silver from her. so, she uttered a curse. When we do not do things, we are to do or act the way we are to our earthly parents ‘may curse us’ leading to the enactment of the curse under the law. only in Christ is the law powerless because it is fulfilled in love.

But this time, she blessed MICAH instead! Saying the LORD bless you, my son! so, he returned the silver to her and her solemnly consecrate the silver to the Lord for her son to make an image overlaid with silver (an idol).

Put in Micah’s house to make an idol. So, Micah’s had a shrine and an ephod (Samuel) and some household gods and installed one of his sons as priest. In those days Israel had no king, and everyone did as they saw fit.

Then a young Levite from the house of bread (Bethlehem) in Judah, left his town in search for a place to stay. On his way, he came across Micah’s house in the hill country of Ephraim. Micah inquired where he was from and told him to live with him and be his father and priest that he’d pay him 10 shekels a year with clothes and food. So, the Levite agreed to live with him, and the young man became like one of his sons to him.

Micah installed a Levite and so the young man became the priest and lived in his house. Micah said now I know that the Lord will be good to me, since the Levite has become my priest. There is some sense in this story as I said every time I read this that we put away and idol we install Jesus as a priest over any particular area of our lives. Another perspective, we reverence God through his laws but love him by his commands, so Micah’s carved idols are like stone and carved arks to represent his presence using offerings of our sins (Abraham) until a new priest (Jesus) from Bethlehem came in to be as our high priest.

Also, Micah’s mother would curse him for taking her shekels then bless him is perturbing (one – because parents are to lay up wealth for their children, so depending on what Micah used the 1100 Shekels for, it was taking according to the bible not stealing; see the prodigal who asked for his inheritance, but as there was no king, she encouraged him to build an idol until Micah actually got a real priest).

Micah is termed as the one who is like God not is God, so he fixed an actual priest over his household and knew this time, God will be good to him. This story and Esther always have different perspectives .

Summary: there was no king and Micah was having silver from his mom to worship/she built him and idol to worship so he would idolize money, and he installed his son as a priest until he saw a true Levite.


You Are A Priest Forever

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