Much a do, about the quest to eradicate childhood killer diseases as well as reduce drastically the rate of infant mortality rate , by UNICEF in collaboration with some other corporate organizations mobilized resources for the development of vaccines to be administered to children. Although the cost of production of these vaccines is enormous, they have been made available free of charge to many developing nations where these killer diseases are prevalent..
Ezekiel 9: 6 says Slaughter the old men, the young men and women, the mothers and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary.” So they began with the old men who were in front of the temple.
But the decision to take the vaccines for protection of ones child is always voluntary. Available statistics have shown however that the consequences have been fatal for parents and nations who rejected the vaccines. So, it is with salvation from sin; God provides it free for those who care for it, but there is damnation for those who reject it.
The passage gives clear record of Gods command for the inhabitants of Jerusalem as punishment for their sins and abomination. The order to destroy was without prejudice to sex, age and status. This reveals the fact that Gods judgement for sin, whenever it comes is always total, without any extraneous considerations.
Only the mark of the blood of Jesus can qualify us to escape Gods judgement. Regular church attendance, position held in the church and our busy activities with the work of God are not a guarantee for safety. As believer we ought to avoid carelessness in our walk with God. So