Lame Excuses. John 5

I had been saying sorry so much to God, I forgot it was an excuse; I guess that why the British call it lame excuses. Sometimes, one can be blissfully ignorant about what God wants us to do. Then excuses come in.

A man had been ill for 38 years, and well he started giving Jesus excuses as to why he could not reach the pool. He said people got there before him. You know I had been giving God lame excuses as to why I could not evangelize. As this man, I went on and on as to why this was not for me.

Indeed in this coming days, I had gained clarity from the ignorance of what happened to me; and yes God had recompensed me for my foolishness of not knowing.

As with this man, Jesus came and asked him do you want to walk, and he said Yes. Jesus told him take up you mat and follow me. The Pharisees heard it and where angry as you would imagine that Jesus healed again on SABBATH Day. when Jesus healed the man, he told him to stop sinning else worse sin will fall on him, I did not know, continuous excuse is a sin. Jesus said my father is always working and I too must work. Sometimes we must walk with Jesus to work for him. Until then I reside on the house of Bethsaida.


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