Judgement after the Law and after Love – John 8

We see the law is used to condemn or acquit/justify a person and it followed harsh punishment. So, they came to Jesus in John 8:5; saying the LAW commands us to stone such woman. They kept questioning Jesus then Jesus said, “Let anyone without sin, be the first to cast a STONE”. They turned away one after the other. Jesus asked the woman where her accusers were, and she said, “they are gone”. Jesus said no one condemns you and neither do I.

In a sense, we ALL have sins is why we don't have the right to condemn a person by the LAW; we can condemn sin but not the sinner. Jobs friends ended up condemning him than refuting him. Because our righteousness is not based on the LAW, but by grace and grace and truth is JESUS.

We ought to be as Jesus is, the LIGHT of the world to follow him that we will never walk in darkness but have his light of Life. Jesus was teaching us the LAW are a form of human JUDGEMENT/Standards (versus 15), but we should pass judgement on no one as he did with the woman caught in adultery. Because Jesus is the father’s son, and his spirit judges the law of the spirit not the flesh as the spirit searches all things. It is thus true that without the spirit of God, we can’t make sound judgements. Jesus calls him the spirit of truth. It is an element of himself given to us. He then references the human, also that the testimony of two witness is true, why? 1) God the father is Jesus’ witness 2) he testifies of himself. If a person does not know Jesus or believe in Jesus, you will not believe the words he says and therefore not know the father (scriptures say no man cometh to the father except through me) here it is restated in John 8: 9. Notice Jesus confronted them in the temple courts about their judgements, but no one harmed him, because his hour had not come yet. As they kept disputing over who Jesus was, he said they’d die in their SIN (why the same unbelief in him). He reaffirms we are not of this world as Jesus is, we are above as Christ Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne of God, because that is where our thoughts should linger to. Jesus says this in John 8 VS 23. Thereafter, Jesus refuses to make further discussion on judgement by the law or the spirit because he says his words are from the father and he is not to say more than he heard from the LORD. John 8: 26

Jesus does only what pleases his father in heaven. Some Jews believed in him: he told them to hold fast to his teachings as they were his DISCIPLES. God’s word is TRUE, and the word becomes FLESH is TRUTH, thus this truth sets us free. They begin to claim that they are Abraham’s seed, but Jesus said only when we are not slaves to sin are we Abraham’s seed. Abraham obeyed Gods word, voice and commands; so, he is not a slave to sin, and this is RIGHTEOUSNESS. Notice murder was in the hearts of those who Jesus spoke the truth to John 8:37. Once there are no room for God’s word to dwell in a person, he will have hatred in his heart for truth and that why men silence the truth (Jesus) by killing it. Jesus backed this up by saying if they were really Abraham’s children, they would do what Abraham did (i.e. obey Gods voice) John 8: 39. Abraham never killed (had murder in his heart, he believed the truth of God’s word, Jesus says Abraham did not do such (John 8 vs 40). He thus tells the Jews they are doing the works of their father the devil who was a murderer (Killing Adam and Eve Spiritually) verse 44-45. Lies kills a person, and the devil lied to eve so she would eat the forbidden fruit (apple) and desire wrongly (see 42 – 44). We can kill someone with our words, Jezebels testimony against Naboth got him killed. This is why God those 9 sins in Proverbs 6:16-19. When one has to kill someone, you will lie against a person, i.e. is slander the person the character; Jezebel did this and then her desire to kill entered (murder). Jesus likens this to the works of the devil. They weren’t able to believe this because they did not believe in Jesus. (John 8: 44).

Jesus says if we obey his words, we will not see death as the devil intended when he introduced SIN. This is why sexual immoral, slanderers, greedy person can enter the kingdom of God. They because of this called Jesus a SAMARITAN and demon possessed but Jesus said he was seeking the father’s honor. Whose HONOR are you seeking today? God or Man.

Before Abraham was, I AM.


Maranatha! - I Love You Lord [with lyrics]

As the law is applied in our heart Hebrews 10:16, so there is a natural conviction in man, but the TRUTH we tell is what the Lord will use to bring judgement or repentance in a person before the FIRE of God’s judgement (wrath) is revealed.

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