John 5a – The Authority of a Believer.

Our authority as a believer is tied to rest in the finish work of Christ Jesus. It was on sabbath day at Solomon Colonnade near Bethesda that Jesus healed an invalid 38 years, he told him to take up his mat and walk. But the Jewish leaders raised the law against him carrying his mat; and the man said the man who healed me said to me pick up your mat and walk. Jesus saw him later and said stop sinning or something worse will happen to you. John 5 vs 14.

Jesus healed a lot on sabbath day – Mark 3. A good picture of a life-giving savior, As Jesus died, he was replaced with Barabbas (Son of the father) with the Son of God (Jesus).

The authority of the sons of God, therefore is:

  1. Just as the father is always at his work to this very day, Jesus is always working in us.
  2. we can do nothing of ourselves (it’s not that we are sufficient of ourselves, our sufficiency is from Elohim). As the son of man couldn’t do anything by himself, he can only do what he sees his father do. 2 Corinthians 3:5-11
  3. the father loves his son and shows him all things, because abba father loves us too he shows us all things pertaining to life and Godliness. 2 Peter 1: 3, Ephesians 1: 18 – 19.
  4. The fathers raise the dead and gives them life, so the son gives life to whom he pleases. As believers, giving the life of salvation to the broken hearted and wounded i.e. revival. God made us through his son quickening spirits to save us from eternal damnation.
  5. The Father judges no one; but entrust all judgement to the father. Jesus said haven’t you read that ye are gods and as we in Yeshua and the father, we judge not after appearance but righteous judgement through his spirit in us. Hence, we honor Jesus and thus father.
  6. When we hear the words of God and believe in Jesus; we have eternal life and thus we will not be judged unrighteously as we have crossed over from death to life (salvation) thus who hear the voice of God will live.
  7. Jesus has life in himself, it was granted to him by the father. Therefore, he has authority to judge because he is the son of God and the son of Man. As a man, Jesus can judge as the son of God, Jesus can judge and thus is our great high priest (having the lineage of God and Man).

Time is near when those who have done what is good after hearing will rise to live and those who hear and do evil will rise to condemnation. Jesus can do nothing now, he only judges as he hears, and his judgement are just because he is not self-seeking, he doesn’t seek to please himself but the one who sent him.


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