Jesus speaks on Marriage, Children and the Kingdom of God – Matthew 19 (Part 1).

Started with some Pharisees who asked him, if it is LAWFUL for a man to divorce his WIFE for any and every REASON!
Jesus then summarizes his explanation that:
1) In the beginning of creation, God make THEM male and female (he made them in pairs – Male and Female).
2) A man will leave his father and mother, be JOINED to his wife (because that is how God made them).
If you observe the 2nd sentence explains the first, so, a man will leave his mother & father and joined to his wife because that is how God created them in the beginning right.
3) Two will become one flesh (oneness in Gods eyes).
4) they are no longer two but one flesh because two has become one flesh/.
5) Since, God has made 2 into 1 by joining them together no one should separate.
So, the man is not supposed to leave his mother and father until he is to be joined to a woman. Maybe because they bring him care or something. Since what God joins has become one.

Then the pharisees went on to ask why MOSES then permitted a man to give a certificate of divorce and send her away?
1) Jesus said divorce is permitted because THEIR HEARTS were hardened. But it was not this way in the beginning. Adam didn’t divorce EVE and sent her away. He blamed her for his fall out with God.
2) Jesus then says that if ANYONE, DIVORCES his WIFE, except for Sexual immorality and MARRIES another woman commit ADULTERY.
His disciples then drew their conclusion:
That if this is the case between a man and a woman, it better not to marry; Paul buttresses this point in 1 Corinthians as well. 1 Corinthians 7:38 LITV.
Jesus replied that not everyone can accept what the disciples were saying except those whom the words are given.
1) There are people who can accept the words the disciples suggested as well as Paul, that men and women should not get married if they will DIVORCE.
2) There are eunuchs who were born that way (disability or illness).
3) Eunuchs that are made Eunuchs by others and choose to live as Eunuchs – Daniel, Priests etc.
So, there are 3 categories of people who can accept it, Jesus said.
Then Jesus begins to talk about the fruit of marriage (output) which are CHILDREN. He says suffer not the little children to come to me for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Not the Kingdom of God (The kingdom of God is come Matthew 6:9-13, thy will be done as it is in heaven. Gods will is his command, and Jesus fulfilled these commands and Law becoming a new kingdom of God here on earth, hence his body is still here on earth). Little Children = “Kingdom of Heaven” and “the Kingdom of God” is Jesus.

To back up of the first side of this chapter, we will go to the story of Samson in Judges 14, 15.

Even as I write I am more in awe of God. He can give gifts he would not take away, but still the best gifts in man, can be destroyed if we don’t tame ourselves. So, I pray God will strike a blow to the writer’s body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. I Cor 9: 27

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