Free Indeed! John 8: 32 – 36

Today, I realized the opportunity an employer gave me was to use to do a savior complex, because he saw what had happened to me, but never could really pay the price for helping me but had to act like it to be a “savior”. Well, aren’t we free indeed! why help to behave like a savior that can’t meet the expectations of one; I am glad we have one savior and that is JESUS. I am like we don’t have a white savior complex too we obviously have a black man savior complex were helping your own people makes you a savior! what should Jesus who saved me do! Glory CHASERS!

As today’s story goes:

Thirty-four years after graduating from a university in the United States of America, a therapist called the school to say she cheated in the final exam. The institution did not revoke her degree. Instead, they asked her to write an article on integrity. Another woman who was being celebrated for a walk around the world confessed she did not deserve the honor because she rode in a truck for part of the trip. She said, “I should not remember as the first woman to walk round the world when I cheated.”

These two persons were fully liberated from their sinful nature after receiving Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. They were no longer slaves to guilt that denied them joy and peace. When the Lord frees us from the power of sin at salvation, we receive boldness to go on to make necessary restitutions for past sins without shame. The liberty he gives us is the highest form of deliverance. No longer are we held bonded by the power of guilt, condemnation and the wicked one.

A True form of Salvation, from a savior who actually saves.

Man cannot experience true freedom and peace unless he hearkens to the pleas of the Son of God to come for his rest. Without him, man will continue to trudge in his delusion that prosperity and the giant strides in scientific inventions will bring about emancipation from the grave effects of sin. Sin and its products in the world enslave and disconnect the creature from his creator.

Besides, the freedom that is guaranteed in the constitutions of the nations of the world does not address the integrity deficit of a depraved man BECAUSE there is a missing link in what they offer. Sinners must accept the Lord to access the life-transforming offer, which he promises to those who come to him for true freedom.

Freedom from self is pure freedom and it comes from Christ.


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