Dangerous Giving

Recently, a family member I knew was having a birthday. So, she had a Jewish son who clearly asked me out, but I thought he was not just my kind too shy and other things I had noticed. So, I gave her a gift and she sent a bigger gift. And at first, I taught it was I gave freely she gave back. Until I realized she placed a demand on it. People are crazy! No wonder my mother was fuming. SO, I see she the demand this woman placed was for her son. You should never help your son to find a wife. Another thing is men who want certain women are characterless men! who want reward without having to working for it. I read yesterday this scripture came to me:

5So Moses brought their case before the Lord, 6and the Lord said to him, 7“What Zelophehad’s daughters are saying is right. You must certainly give them property as an inheritance among their father’s relatives and give their father’s inheritance to them.

Now this woman, I know can be very off standish and sometimes arrogant, but why look for someone you do not like to marry your son! So, while I was busy giving freely, she was placing a demand on her giving. Women are vicious, I wondered why she said the verse to me about my mom that after all “If your enemy is hungry, feed him” she clearly was fighting evil with good.

The worse part of this nightmare is “I still opened Boaz married his relative, the woman was enacting laws based on her giving”. We will remedy that problem. Because at first, I taught my mother was crazy, only now do I understand. Other women are even crazier. She is using the book of the law because her husband is Jewish, and I will use the book of the law and the book of love to bind tighter strings.


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