Recently, a family member I knew was having a birthday. So, she had a Jewish son who clearly asked me out, but I thought he was not just my kind too shy and other things I had noticed. So, I gave her a gift and she sent a bigger gift. And at first, I taught it was I gave freely she gave back. Until I realized she placed a demand on it. People are crazy! No wonder my mother was fuming. SO, I see she the demand this woman placed was for her son. You should never help your son to find a wife. Another thing is men who want certain women are characterless men! who want reward without having to working for it. I read yesterday this scripture came to me:
5So Moses brought their case before the Lord, 6and the Lord said to him, 7“What Zelophehad’s daughters are saying is right. You must certainly give them property as an inheritance among their father’s relatives and give their father’s inheritance to them.
Now this woman, I know can be very off standish and sometimes arrogant, but why look for someone you do not like to marry your son! So, while I was busy giving freely, she was placing a demand on her giving. Women are vicious, I wondered why she said the verse to me about my mom that after all “If your enemy is hungry, feed him” she clearly was fighting evil with good.
The worse part of this nightmare is “I still opened Boaz married his relative, the woman was enacting laws based on her giving”. We will remedy that problem. Because at first, I taught my mother was crazy, only now do I understand. Other women are even crazier. She is using the book of the law because her husband is Jewish, and I will use the book of the law and the book of love to bind tighter strings.
When Israel sinned because of Eli’s son, it caused their enemies to have a foothold over Israel and thus leading to the Phillistine taking the ark of the LORD, a covenant had not been made with God at this time, so it was the ark of the LORD signifying his presence with Israel.
Now the bible says: The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Romans 8: 14, 16. So, we see the spirit of God bearing witness with our human spirit that we are the sons of God. Our human spirit bears guilt and the holy spirit convicts/reveal to us, what is wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment. Sometimes, your conscience condemns you of guilt when it is not, sometimes it is, and you know this by the spirit of God. So, if you are guilty 1 Corinthians 11: 18, 22 comes to play. Guilt may be ascribed to sins; you did not know of, or you know of but when you realize it makes you feel condemned/judged.
Now the ark of the Lord was in the territory of the Phillistine for a month; in that month plagues had struck them and their leaders. But they couldn’t understand why? The had a god called Daegon placed near the ark of the Lord, they were guilty of idolatry, but they didn’t know. So, a plague of mice was destroying their country, and a plague of death was destroying their leaders. However, the Phillistine remembering the plague that happened to Egypt: took precautionary measures to offer a guilt offering of 5 gold tumors for their leaders and 5 gold rats for their leaders, placed it on a cart and tied it to cow: placed on the path to two roads one leading to Beth Shemesh and the other elsewhere. The leaders in Phillistine concluded that if the cart went the way to Beth Shemesh, then it was the Lord of Israel that brought the plague on them, else it was thing of chance. And so, the cart wen the way of Beth Shemesh, leading to Kiriath Jearim, a territory in Israel. The people of Israel rejoiced upon seeing it return.
A foreign nation unaware of the impact of taking the ark of the Lord and placing it where their god was incurred the judgement of God. Because a guilt they did not know about but used the experience with the Egyptians to solve their problem. 1 Corinthians 11: 27 Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord.
Sometimes, we as Christians sin by speech, disobeying God without knowing it, sometimes we know it by willful pride disobey. Hence, when we take the communion and don’t examine ourselves for sins and confess them to remember what the blood of Jesus does for us as our sin offering (this act help us reflect on the mercy of God and thus how undeserving we are).
For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. 1 Corinthians 11: 29 - 30
So, sickness here is akin to a plague as in 1 Samuel 6 vs 9, and in Exodus 20 plague of sickness and death of the first-born son. So, while the communion if partook worthily has undeniable blessing attached to it, if partaken unworthily incurs a plague like sickness. Now, it furthers states “Now if we judged ourselves properly, we would not come under judgment. But when we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world.”
The Phillistine was disciplined as the Israelites as will you and I, if we do not examine ourselves. It is my prayer; we check ourselves as we partake of the communion.
This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”
Examining ourselves.
Even in a court of law, the jury can find the defendant guilty of a crime only if the defendant is convicted of wrongdoing. The same works with our conscience and the spirit of God. Only the spirit of God helps us recognize what is sin, righteousness and judgement. The is why Grace is given to us to live above sin.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” - Isaiah 52:7
The hour had come for Jesus to leave the world and go to the father. Jesus said, “I love my OWN in the world”, and he loved them to the very end. As the evening meal commenced the devil prompted Judas to betray Jesus.
Jesus knew (who he was that would deceive him); that the father had put all things under his power, as he came from God and is returning to God; so, he began to wash the feet of his disciples. Jesus said to Simon unless he washed Simon, he had no part with him. Not everyone was clean, so Jesus asked them to wash their feet to determine, who was unclean and was going to betray him and that’s why he said not everyone was clean (verse 11). Jesus said, “you call me a teacher and lord, so we should do as he does and wash one another’s feet’s”. He has set an example that we should do (verse 15).
John 13:16-17 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
so, the scripture is fulfilled “He who shared my bread has turned against me”. Jesus says: Whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me (Jesus) and whoever accepts Jesus accepts the one who sent them (you).
Jesus being troubled in the spirit, still said God be glorified in his suffering and because of this the lost glory of Adam is returned to Christ, he who dwells in us by his spirit. This new command Jesus left was that we love one another as he loved us (verse 34). By this is how we know you are Christ disciples, if you love one another. This is where Jesus predicted Simon peter would deny him before the cock crows, three times, because he claimed he would follow Christ, but Simon failed to keep on his word.
How beautiful are these feet shod with the gospel of peace.
John 13: 35 By this all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
By experience, whenever there are genuine products, there are bound to be counterfeits. These counterfeits tend to appear genuine to the eyes of the undiscerning. This is because they take so much resemblance to the original and genuine. The major difference, however, is that they are of low quality and standard and may not function effectively as the original. Counterfeit products cause a lot of damage. They cause heavy financial loss to manufacturers of original products and a lot of harm and loss to the end-users.
As Jesus addressed his disciples in the bible passage for today preparatory to his disciples in the bible passage for today preparatory to his departure from them, he commands them to love one another genuinely. Love, according to him is the proof that will identify them as his disciples and attract others to their fold. It is what will mark them out as being genuine and not fake.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find true Christians whose lifestyles match their claims. Expectedly, the world is getting more confused about what Christianity is all about because of the apparent contradictions they observe in their lives of so many professing believers because the true proof of the Christian faith is absent.
This does not take away from the fact that there are so many genuine Christians around. One piece of evidence that marks selfless and enduring love. Where this is operational, there will be an absence of envy, vainglory, slandering, backbiting, backstabbing, immorality, cheating, hatred etc. This kind of love will authenticate the gospel and fuel the spread of God’s word.
Love is one Christian dialect that the world wants to understand.
2 Corinthians 10: 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
Paul was a citizen of Cilicia, a province of Rome and home to the notorious Cilician pirates. These bandits of the Mediterranean had built fortifications in Cilicia Tracheae a rugged, mountainous area in the west from where they controlled the entire maritime route from the Middle East all the way to Rome. At the height of their power, the pirates pillaged ships, took slaves from land harbors and spread hunger and terror throughout the region. When they launched a raid at Ostia, barely fifteen miles from Rome, causing the grip of famine to tighten on the famed seat of power, Rome had finally had enough. General Pompey was sent to dismantle the extensive pirate network. In 89 days, he routed the pirates by pulling down their strongholds and forcing them into open spaces where they could easily be defeated.
This was the true legend behind Paul’s illustration in today’s passage. We need to pull down the strongholds of Satan through the weapons of our warfare. Satan’s strongholds are his command-and-control Centre from where he launches spiritual attacks and incursions into defenseless human lives. Lacking the grace and power of God, the natural man is but a mere pawn in the devil’s chess game.
Pulling down every stronghold is possible when we receive the power and authority that Christ gives after our repentance from sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation grants the believer access to the mighty weapons of righteousness, faith fortress – the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, begin to cast down every ideology, imagination or situation that opposes your knowledge of God as a good, gracious and benevolent one.
Recognizing your authority in Christ guarantees your victory.
The King of Tyre (Hiram’s King) gave orders that cedar and juniper logs to be cut. Juniper signifies Strength, wisdom, usefulness, and beauty in form of purification and protection. Cedar signifies prosperity and abundance. In verse 6, we see God gave Solomon rest on every side, that he had no adversary or disaster (What a gift). Sidonians skilled at felling trees worked on this for whatever wages. [ Hence, Tyre and Sidon, Jesus referenced that if the gospel had been preached there; they would have repented]. Supplies arrived from men who hauled them from Lebanon to the mediterranean Sea and float them as rafts by the sea to the place specified by SOLOMON. ADONIRAM (my lord is exalted) was in charge of forced labor. Ashiram, King of Tyre supplied, Solomon all the cedar and juniper wanted. Solomon gave Hiram 20,000 cans of wheat as food for his household, 20,000 baths of pressed olive oil. Craftsmen from Solomon (300,000 men sent to Lebanon, in shift of 10,000 a month, so they spent one month in Lebanon, 2 months at home, 70000 carriers and 80000 stone cutters in the hills, as well as 3300 foremen who supervised the project and directed the workers). At the king’s commands they removed from quarry large blocks of high graded stone that provide a foundation of dressed stone for the temple.
*BUILDING THE TEMPLE* I kings 6: 4, 80 years after the Israelites came out of Egypt, in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, THE SECOND month (April – mid), he began to build the TEMPLE of the LORD. Temple built was 60 cubit long, 20 wide, 30 high, only bricks dressed at the quarry were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site while it was being built.
The word of the Lord came to Solomon: 12 “As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, observe my laws and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David your father. 13 And I will live among the Israelites and will not abandon my people, Israel.” - 1 kings 6: 11
So, Solomon built the temple and completed it (verse 14). The inner sanctuary, the most holy place had gourds and open flower, everything was cedar no stone was to be seen within the inner sanctuary set the ark of the covenant of the LORD THERE (verse 19) on the walls all around the temple. In both, inner and outer rooms, he carved cherubim’s, palm trees and open flowers. It also covered, the floors of both the inner and outer rooms of the temple of gold (vs 29). Solomon spent 7 years building the temple (verse 38), the foundation for the temple of the lord was laid in the 4th year, month of Ziv. By the 11th year, in the month of Bul (which means produce), the 8 months, the temple was finished in all “in details according to the specification then he started building his palace.
Excerpts: We can pray for peace as God builds us from within. We can pray for rest from every side that no adversary and disaster will reach us. There is a way that when the rich have money, we used it to get forced labor, this is why Jesus said a greater than Solomons wisdom is here, when Jesus came, he spoke up about how people use knowledge and wealth to tie heavy burdens on others but won’t lift a finger to move them (Matthew 23:4). Having knowledge like Solomon puffs up a man 1 Corinthians 8:1, Proverbs 30:2 Every man is brutish in his knowledge. So, it makes man merciless because it causes you to think you are better than others. Hence, Paul says let no man think himself better than other. Romans 12:3 and when we think this this its unlike Jesus because “Philippians 2:8-10 says Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” (Jesus took burdens more than we could carry 1 Peter 2:24). His knowledge did not impede his humanity and compassion. However, once a man has an upper advantage than another, he uses it even to the detriment of others and so we see Solomon. The man who built the law temple to be perfect was not perfect, but the perfect temple is built a perfect savior, Jesus. No heavier burdens on people, no forced labor.
The design of the temple Solomon describes with cedar and juniper is Jesus. It’s a wonder he hung on a tree (prosperity and abundance). He is a perfect temple who stands in front of a tree.
The axe head floats depict the king of Aram, the head of Aram. He had been looking for an occasion against Israel but found none, his plan kept floating.
The passage starts with the Prophets and Elisha looking for a place to meet as the place they met was getting small (verse 2). Thereafter, they went to cut trees to use to make their meeting place and the axe (borrowed) fell into the water, then Elisha put a stick to the water and the axe floats.
The stick Elisha puts would be the words the king of Aram spoke in his bedroom which Elisha heard. The place to meet is the departure from trouble. 2 kings 6: 13.
“Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” - 2 Kings 6: 13
So, the servant of the man of God got up and went out early. the next morning, an army with horses surrounded the city. and the servant said oh no my Lord, what shall we do?
Then the prophet answered, “Do not be afraid”, those with us are more than those who are with them. In a fright the servant still did not believe the prophet, so Elisha prayed to the LORD, to STRIKE THE KING OF ARAM ARMY WITH BLINDNESS. So, he struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked. So, Elisha led them to Samaria, then asked that their eyes be opened so that they see. Then the Lord opened their eyes, and they looked, and there they were inside Samaria.
When the King of Israel saw the captured army were blind, he asked Elisha 'Shall I kill them? Hezekiah told the king, "Not to kill them" that one only kills men captured with their own sword. He says set food and water before them so that they may eat and go, and they prepared a feast and the Aram's left. The ARAMS STOPPED RAIDING ISRAEL TERRITORY.
Foreign nations attempted to evade Israels territory which Samaria is part of, at this time. But the axe floats and a stick bring up their attack.
Famine in besieged Samaria:
After sometime later, Benhadad, king of Aram sets up an army to lay siege to the city of Samaria while they are in famine. The siege lasted long that a donkey was sold for 80 shekels. As the king of Israel passed by a wall, a woman cried out the king! Help me, my lord the King:
The king replied: 1) If the LORD does not help you, where can I get help for you?
2) From the threshing floor 3) from the winepress.
So, the woman tells him a parable: She tells him (the king) to give up his son (i.e. Samaria) that we may eat (famine here means giving your food away). The next day the king asks her to give her son that they may eat, but she hid him.
The parable was about the king of Aram action after mercy was shown to him, he acted opposite to the mercy had been shown and still besieged Samaria, when no one noticed. This caused the king to be enraged swearing to Kill Elisha because Elisha had asked him to show mercy. Elisha noting the king of Israel wanted to kill him, called the king a murderer and blamed the disaster in Samaria as the lord doing and he would not wait on the lord.
we often blame bad events on others when we are at fault. Elisha did not cause the famine in Samaria, the king of Aram just had more information and besieged them during famine.
Once ideas were put in the king of Israel mind by the woman in Samaria, he blamed Elisha and wanted to kill him.
What will we do as we wait on God, blame him for our calamity like the King of Israel.
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
They that know thy name will put their trust in thee, for thou Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Then Psalm 46: 1 says “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”. In this year 2024, No trouble shall swallow you because the LORD will SHOW up even AT THE LAST MINUTE! FEAR NOT! He is a PRESENT HELP in trouble of difficult! SEE Psalm 32: 7 “Thou art my hiding place, thou shall preserve me from trouble, thou shall compass me shout with songs of deliverance. I remember Debasish Mridha: Hard times are like thunder; they make a lot of noise but do-little harm. Don’t fear hard times.
Bernice Johnson Reagon: Lifes challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they are supposed to help you discover who you are in Christ.
In times of difficulties, TRUST God more and hold on to hold out when he says to. SHAME WILL NOT BE YOUR LAST BUS-STOP.
Prayer Points:
Lord, I will trust you the most this year! No difficulty will swallow me
I scatter evil arrows sent to confront my peace this year!
Trouble and difficulties pass my address in Jesus’ name.
I had opened Micah’s story several times and even tried to find out the meaning of the story. A relatively short story and until yesterday had I gotten the major picture when I read the prodigal son. Prior to this, I had seen many explanations, one of which is:
Judges 17 is a mirror that reflects the danger of moral and religious relativism. In seeking to worship God in his own terms, Micah lost the essence of true worship. The chapter stands as a reminder that it is not enough to worship according to our convenience or understanding; it is crucial to worship God in truth, as He has commanded us.
Verses 1-2: The Stolen Silver
Micah confesses to stealing 1,100 shekels of silver from his mother, who had cursed the theft. Upon his confession, his mother blesses him and dedicates the silver to the Lord for creating a carved image and an ephod.
The prodigal son tells a story of a man, who has a son who wanted his inheritance, the inheritance stands as an idol to Micah’s story. He then takes what was his inheritance away as Micah took silver from his mother.
Verses 3-4: Making of the Idol
So, the father gives the prodigal son what he wanted his inheritance(idol) which takes and spends all, as Micah uses all his mother’s silver and incurs his mother’s curse which turns to a blessing. Micah actually confesses that he stole the idol, as the prodigal son states he expended his father’s wealth.
His mother helps him make a shrine.
And well, a Bethlehemite comes seeking a place to stay and Micah welcomes him, the reverse is done with the prodigal son, his father welcomes him home. whereas Micah with his idol welcomes the Bethlehemite home.
*Some are to seek the father, and some are to welcome him to dwell in us. *
As the wandering Levite from Bethlehem in Judah comes to Micah’s house. Micah offers him wages, room and board to become his personal priest. Micah, thinking God will now bless him because he has a Levite as his priest, shows a distorted understanding of true worship.
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate. Luke 15: 22
The prodigal son returns home and is offered more than a servant, a party is thrown for him and it shows us what the father through Jesus has to offer us as with the case of Micah welcoming a son that is not his home. Micah’s story is both ways as a curse turned into a blessing when he welcomed the Bethlehemite home (where Jesus is from). Whereas the prodigal son is accepted home. Sometimes, we welcome the King (Jesus) and other times he brings us home.
While we are not hired servants because Christ took our curse much like Micah’s mother (Galatians 3: 13) curse turning to bless him, which would cause him to be linked to actual priest from Benjamin. And because repentance is an ongoing process; sometimes we run back to him when we lose our way, whereas when we come to know him as our lord and savior and take away our idols as Micah, we welcome him to our house (body).
Jesus took our curses to give us blessing; should we love him. In Judges 17 vs 21 Micah (the one who is like God not is God as the name translates), offer him a wage, food and clothes as Jesus offers his son to us, the father offers the prodigal son a robe, puts a ring around his finger and celebrates him.
Micah has a semblance like God but his reach for an actual high priest makes all unbelievers like this, whereas the prodigal son out of love with the father because of his inheritance, Micah love for idols overwhelms him into seeking for a true high priest, Jesus. So, Micah welcomes a righteous man from a Levite lineage and gets blessed. (Matthew 10: 40 – 42).
Micah rejoiced at seeing a Levite, the prodigal son rejoiced at seeing his son who was once lost. Micah had sons but still welcomed a Levite as his son (unbeliever reach for Jesus), so the prodigal son had an older son (saved believer walking in obedience) but still welcome his son (the lost one).
He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. Psalm 103: 6 - 12
In the heat and bust of the city, I have been trying to joggle Gods work and actual getting finances from labor. Two things dawned on me. I once taught I did not know how God rewards us but clearly the scriptures say he does not repay us according to our iniquities.
A young man who had broken his father’s rule limiting his movements in the community refused to return home one night, afraid of the punishment awaiting him. He sought refuge in the nearby residence of his father’s close friend. He told his host that his father was a temperamental man. In his anger, he would scourge him in excess of his wrongdoing. He pleaded with him to allow him to stay away from such an injury – inflicting parent that night.
Christians with a perfect understanding of the relationship they have with their heavenly father do not harbor such misgivings. They know that, as emphasized by today’s text, God’s mercy and grace run deeper that our faults and failures. He chastens them when they err. He would not pamper them. He would not want their sin to take them into eternal perdition in hell. So, as they realize their transgression and seek forgiveness, he returns them graciously into his warm embrace, giving them more grace to live the overcoming life.
Only an exceptionally loving father would not reward us “according to our iniquities”. Not one soul can stand his full wrath if it should come upon man. His holiness would not stand sin. Though he is gracious and merciful, we must not take this for granted or as a liberty to indulge in sin.
As we receive the mercy of our gracious God, we should express our appreciation by constantly staying away from sinful acts, thoughts and appearances that offend and provoke him.
Pleasing the Lord all the days of our lives must become our priority. And we receive grace to do this as we pray.
God’s grace embraces us in our inadequacy and strengthens us with his mercy for righteous living.
we don’t want to miss the things of God, while we are on this earth.