John 4:1-42 KJV – An uncommon way to evangelise

Someone once said evangelism is for everyone, and I use to think oh well surely not but today, we see the woman at the well, who was a Samaritan who was to fetch water from the well met Jesus, Jesus told her about her past and she went on to evangelize that she met a man who told her about everything she did. If a woman at the well can evangelize so can we.

28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

Can you drink of the cup I drink of? Mark 10: 29 – 31

Sometimes, we do not see the price, Jesus had to pay until we drink of the cup he drank. The price of taking the gospel to the nation and sitting at the right hand with Christ in glory.

And they said to him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized me will be baptized”

We envy/admire people and want to be as they are but until we realize the cup we have to drink of?

There is a long list for the requirement for sitting at the right hand of glory where Jesus, so I believe its a venture for only the strong and in this generation. Who would dear, I guess I thank God for his mercy towards the sons of men.

Freedom – Grace – Lady Liberty Deuteronomy 30:19

With challenges ever increasing in the world today, there’s no better time to now than to talk about freedom because it is what grace is. If we have no choice in a matter we have lost freedom and thus grace.

Deuteronomy 30: 19 says This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

It always astounds me that lady liberty is a single lady, I used to think when she is blue it stands for Americas freedom and when she is brown its stands for Americas discipline but who knows right.

Psalm 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Even God gives us a choice in every matter and that’s what freewill is and that’s really where justice comes from really that you choose life and get life but you choose death and you die. Unlike my country, where our foundation started from deceit and lies, that plagues, some countries are fortunate that their foundation was founded in truth and justice.

However, the beauty of freedom from slavery or slavery from sin or slavery in any form is the freedom to choose. If freedom is taking away choice is removed and thus a fall from grace. Laughs, discipline is not bad, its just a moment to reflect on why you fall from grace and that’s lady liberty.

A simple matter of faith – Luke 18: 8

Today I got two gifts – one reminding of Gods faithfulness and the other reminding me of his provision.

As I got out I met a Doctor with his kids, and as we bought stuff; he told me his daughter would marry at 20 and 21. And I am like why? He says he is a doctor; he has seen many ladies with fibroids over 30 and had no kids. I didn’t tell him I had a friend who married in her early 20s and could conceive until her 35th year. Scriptures tell us I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Truth is whether she is 20 or 30 all her years have been designed by God. So, this man was telling his daughter that she would marry in her early 20s, and she was telling her dad she would get a job and leave the house. And he told her after all the things I am buying for you. I figured whoever wins in this case is the person that has greater faith.

14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemed any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

Because God gives everyman according to his ways, naturally he makes one see things as clean when he wants to do justice, and he makes another see something as unclean when he wants to do justice. If something is meant for someone, he make that person see it as unclean. That’s, how Gods justice is unsearchable and we call his justice his ways………

Afterall, whether rich or poor he makes the sun rise on the just and the unjust. Its really just a matter of faith………………

Not physically present – 1 Corinthians 5:3

1 Corinthians 5:3 Although I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit, and I have already pronounced judgment on the one who did this, just as if I were present. For my part, even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit.

This life can sometimes be an irony, yea, I heard Pastor Tim Dilena mock saying Jonah, yes it seems I am sent to the gentile nation. But I cannot be present with them, as I build myself up; they get built up as well. Since, my nation claimed there was no need for holiness, naturally justice had to be served someway. I did go to their sanctuary to take songs as it was freely given, I took it joyfully. And I would repeat it again. Since, my nation had no need for holiness but justice naturally their spirit as a nation is tied to the marriage.

I don’t consider myself to be good nor bad, I’m just shrewd and discipline as I see my life play out in another nation. I am wondering if I am dreaming but fair is fair in the game of war and peace. One of the hardest things to do is hold my peace. Exodus 14: 14 “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

When you have done all, you can do, stand still for the salvation arm of the lord to be revealed. It sounds easy but hard in practice to do, when we serve God as kings, we see ourselves as kings not as lame, blind neither. Even men in my country call themselves kings, but a nation ruling the whole world thinks he is lame, without faith it is impossible to please God, as one reigns as kings in righteousness, truth and justice. It is only a fair price to believe this or continue doubting that you were created for such a time as this. Jesus was a carpenter’s son, but he still is the king of the Jews. It is not the position you are in, it’s that you have been chosen. Thats not something someone can easily change.

As I hear, China threatening that America has to be removed, it has flaws and what not, 2 things came to my mind, I checked if China has debt, and yes it had ‘a trillion-dollar local debt’. If it was not the number one nation and it had this debt. What happens when it is the number one nation. Yes, America was a nation once founded in righteousness but lost its way. It will naturally pay the price for its sin. But to replace it position might be difficult, because no other nation has its foundation formed in righteousness. China is a nation that prides in discipline and law, it’s not that laws aren’t good, they’re just not sufficient enough. Plus, the years of experience, America has had failing, learning and relearning will be had to replace. sometimes, that’s why I don’t worry. I have not read any country that has held the fiat that has successfully stayed out of debt – Britain couldn’t, Netherland couldn’t, and I doubt the best of any other nation would. I do believe a nation should not transfer its debt to another nation except it builds that nation with the agreement that the inflation shared by America is brought on that nation by the expanse of its development. Why? Jesus gives weights according to your ability. It is unfair to put burdens on people who don’t have the capabilities to bear them. Afterall, to whom much is given much is required. The question is not having what another person has, the question is, is it for you? I thank God for his mercy upon my life, it’s because of Christ I am what I am.

In Remembrance of – Genesis 40: 14

Genesis 40: 14

But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison.

Joseph calls to remainder what we do as call for remembrance when we fell trapped by life’s issues we seek cry out lord remember me for good.

A Cry for Remembrance During World War II

During World War II, a young soldier named Private James Turner found himself caught in the chaos and devastation of the war. He had enlisted in the army with a sense of duty and hope, but the horrors of battle had quickly shattered any illusions he had about glory and heroism. Stationed in Normandy, France, after the D-Day invasion, James and his comrades were constantly in danger, facing enemy fire, relentless bombardment, and the ever-present fear of death.

One evening, after a particularly harrowing firefight, James found himself alone in a foxhole, his body bruised and weary, his spirit exhausted. His thoughts turned to his family back home, the simple life he had left behind, and the uncertain future ahead. In the silence of the night, as the distant sounds of gunfire echoed in the background, James whispered a prayer, a cry from the depths of his heart: “Lord, remember me for good. Keep me safe, and bring me home to my family.”

James had always been a man of faith, but in that moment, the desperation was palpable. He had seen so many of his fellow soldiers fall, and he wondered if he would be next. The thought of not making it home haunted him, and his prayers became more urgent. “Lord, please remember me. Remember my family. Remember the life I left behind. I don’t want to die here.”

As the war raged on, James continued to pray, holding onto the hope that God would hear him. Weeks passed, and his unit moved further into Europe, facing constant danger and hardship. But despite the overwhelming odds, James found himself inexplicably spared from the worst of it. The battles were fierce, and he watched many of his friends fall, but time and again, he narrowly escaped death. It was as though a shield of protection had surrounded him, and James couldn’t help but believe that his prayers were being answered.

Finally, after months of intense fighting, the war came to an end. James was among the fortunate few who made it home, physically scarred but emotionally and spiritually stronger. When he reunited with his family, he fell to his knees in gratitude, overwhelmed by the fact that he had been spared, that God had indeed remembered him for good. He knew he had been given a second chance at life.

Years later, James would often share his story with others, telling them how he had cried out to God in the midst of war and how, in His mercy, God had heard his prayer. He would say, “I don’t know why I was spared, but I know that my prayers were answered. In the darkest of times, I called out, and God remembered me.”

James’ story is a powerful reminder that even in the midst of the most brutal circumstances, God hears the cries of His people. Just as Joseph called out for remembrance in his time of need, so too did James during the horrors of World War II. And in both cases, God’s response was one of mercy, protection, and deliverance.

Mark of Safety – Ezekiel 9:6

Much a do, about the quest to eradicate childhood killer diseases as well as reduce drastically the rate of infant mortality rate , by UNICEF in collaboration with some other corporate organizations mobilized resources for the development of vaccines to be administered to children. Although the cost of production of these vaccines is enormous, they have been made available free of charge to many developing nations where these killer diseases are prevalent..

Ezekiel 9: 6 says Slaughter the old men, the young men and women, the mothers and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary.” So they began with the old men who were in front of the temple.

But the decision to take the vaccines for protection of ones child is always voluntary. Available statistics have shown however that the consequences have been fatal for parents and nations who rejected the vaccines. So, it is with salvation from sin; God provides it free for those who care for it, but there is damnation for those who reject it.

The passage gives clear record of Gods command for the inhabitants of Jerusalem as punishment for their sins and abomination. The order to destroy was without prejudice to sex, age and status. This reveals the fact that Gods judgement for sin, whenever it comes is always total, without any extraneous considerations.

Only the mark of the blood of Jesus can qualify us to escape Gods judgement. Regular church attendance, position held in the church and our busy activities with the work of God are not a guarantee for safety. As believer we ought to avoid carelessness in our walk with God. So

The small gate.

When Jesus say let not your heart be troubled. Sometimes, I hear people worry about the state of the nations. I am like why should I worry, the inevitable is going to happen no matter how much we try to delay it. So, I better prepare my mind for what is to come. All that i can do, is done and being done.. to tarry the time, Ultimately it boils down to this two scripture:

Matthew 7: 14

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 20: 16

16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

One may slow the times, some may turn back the hands of times like Hezekiah and the queen of the south. But ultimately, the time will arrive, it cannot be but delayed any longer.

What I am certain of is the masters return is imminent and it is better to prepare, than worry. In the words of CeCe Winans, everyone wants candy bars, until we know the price it cost. One startling truth is if the blood of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, is not enough for us no other sacrifice can do. Afterall, God has shown man his own way, but they went in search for other ways. Ecclesiastes 7: 29.

The accuser of the brethren Revelation 12: 10

One of the things I have come to realize is there is none who does good. Not one, the very thing we accuse others of is exactly what’s in us. Its easy to tell others to remove the speck from ours eyes, but have you finish removing that from yours. There pastors who do witchcraft and manipulate scripture and do a bit of good thus say they are righteous and then accuse, beat their brethren.
Truly, there is none who does good, not one.

Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies; One person twist lie, the next adds his or her flair and adds their own lie and the accuser the brethren. Find out the truth for yourself.

As of 2022, I was threatened that I’d be fired from my job; a continuous abuse, so I quit my job in my country, and someone conveniently claimed i was obsessed with my work. late last year I received an email asking me to sign a quote for sexual harassment and I decided I will not. Today, Senator Natasha, is claiming the senate chairman is harassing her and bullying her. It is not possible to hide truth for long it seems. And it is not possible to cover truth.

Since 2022, I’d been without a job and yet they say a job is taking my time from God, i’m like really. Do not do the work of the devil: for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night.

Truth is light and you should not do the work of the devil, by accusing people wrongly and anyone who joins in this will surely reap what they sow. God is not mocked.

His Return and our Hope – Hebrew 10: 35 -38

Hebrew 10: 37

For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come; and will not tarry.

It was Thomas fuller, a 17th century English theologian, who stated, “It is always the darkest before the dawn”. This statement implies that situations often witness a positive turn around just when they seem to be at the worst stage”. A new ray of hope is lit, and unfolding , events begin to heal debilitating effects of dark times.

While there are boundless opportunities for us. we put our confidence in God and hope in him. we simply hold onto Gods promises for our lives, even though things look bleak.