A Nearer Kinsman – Ruth 4: 1 – 12, Kumuyi W.F

Then Boaz said to the elders and to the crowd standing around, “You are witnesses that today I have bought from Naomi all the property of Elimelech, Kilion, and Mahlon. And with the land I have acquired Ruth, the Moabite widow of Mahlon, to be my wife. -Ruth 4:9, 10

I have been bumping into marriages or courtships lately. And so, the next two writings will be about them. During World War II, a German businessman, Oskar Schindler, saved the lives of more than a 1000 Jewish refugees by employing them in his factories. Schindler initially employed Jewish workers as a way to save money and increase his profits, but he eventually became deeply involved in their welfare and safety. He spent his money and risked his life to protect these helpless Jews from being sent to the Concentration Camp. When Schindler died in October 1974, many of those whose survival he facilitated – and their descendants – lobbied for and financed the transfer of his body for burial in Israel.

Recently, it’s been a wave within me, right some decisions have to be made and well a dive into Gods perspective was needed. I had a job in my city and 2 come outside with the ones outside and I sought the lord whether I should go, and he said not. I should decline the offer. So, a new offer for a training came in today. Sometimes it feels like someone walking on traps, careful where one places their feet.

Our passage reveals how Ruth worked in the fields of a wealthy landowner named Boaz, who showed her kindness and care as a stranger, not knowing at the time who she was, Meanwhile, when the mother-in-law got to know that it was Boaz, a near family member of Elimelech, her late husband, she was pleased and instructed Ruth on how to approach Boaz to become the kinsman-redeemer for them. Boaz eventually bought them out of their debt and took Ruth as his wife, acting upon his duty as outlined in the Mosaic Law to redeem an impoverished relative from his or her circumstances. (Leviticus 25: 47 – 49)

In Christ, we are all one family sent to relieve one when one is weak as Mahlon translate to mean man of weakness, the to be a new husband of quickness (Boaz) who is the pillar before the temple.

The whole humanity is enslaved to sin. Jesus Christ, our kinsman – redeemer came, paid the debt on the cross and redeemed us through his blood. If you are willing to accept him as your Lord and Savior, He will redeem you from whatever debt of sin you owe.


Sometimes, Grace to one is the loss of another. Mahlon’s loss was Boaz gain, Christ loss is our gain.

Jesus is our nearer kinsman has paid the price in full.

Ruth was Mahlon’s inheritance and Boaz had to raise up the name of the dead upon his cousin’s inheritance to inherit his inheritance. Sometimes, to get another’s inheritance like Jacob did with Esau one has to either hate their inheritance, the Jews did it and so the gospel moved to the gentiles or die spiritually to lose your inheritance. After all, you cannot bind a strong man. “First bind the strong man” is a phrase from the Bible, specifically Mark 3:27 KJV and Matthew 12:29 KJV. The verse says that “No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

We see Mr. Schnider being treated as a Jew because they saw him as a friend. It’s funny that the meaning of Ruth is “compassionate friend”, Boaz is a pillar before the temple (David) meaning quickness and Mahlon means “a man of weakness/sickness) all these were taking place in Elimelech (my God is king).

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