The Return of the son of Man – The Soul, Spirit and Body.

24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”
26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.

The soul is intertwined with the spirit (called heart), so when God says “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” Ezekiel 18: 20. Due to the fact that God said my spirit will not always strive with man: Genesis 6: 3. Therefore, he had to put his spirit in man (the Holy spirit known as the spirit of truth that guides/instruct us in all things, John 16: 13. (so when part of our soul sins and died our soul is in us through the Holy spirit (revival happens)). Because if we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

1st God the father who is spirit and in him there is no variableness James 1: 17. So, God has no distortions. 2nd God also has emotions (used in Judgement) as his body (3) is revealed in the person of Jesus to us John 14:9. God’s presence is called the ark of the lord, Moses – plague, standing in the fire with Daniel and his friend (the 4th man in the fire), Uzza and David (I Samuel 16). So, when judgement; the spirit of God takes the form of fire (Judgement is then revealed, in the New Testament it is called tongues of fire). But his spirit/ presence is called a comforter John 14: 26, here is called holy ghost because as a spirit God judges things like if an offering is pleasing and then consumes it with fire! So, when comforts us it’s as a ghost and not spirit.

As God is spirit, dwells in a body and lives through us in our soul renewal by his spirit. So, if we are made in Gods image, definitely our members and components would be as his. so, if a man’s spirit lives in a body and has a soul; but the soul is also intertwined with the spirit but as man soul sinned in Adam it died. Hence, the spirit of God is to come in as the Holy spirit to quicken the soul & spirit. Jesus as God body revealed to us, the holy spirit as the soul and God the father as the spirit. As the human soul is healed and at rest (the ark of the covenant is at rest), then we are at rest, so our spirit can be revived (peace that passes all understanding, help us see our state spiritually). This is why when the spirit of God is demanding holiness and comes as the holy spirit he can be grieved. He acts as the emotional conductor of God in us, telling us, this desire from that emotion is not good for us or is good for us. He is sad when we do wrong and happy when we do right by purging our dead conscience from dead works. It was the infilling of that JESUS was endued with when he was baptized. He represents the power of God in us. this is why it manifest as tongues of fire and can bring judgement (see Elijah 2 Kings 1:12), so you have two tongues: your natural tongues: language to prophecy and your spiritual tongue: speaking in an unknown tongue. Then we can speak things into existence because the life of God is revealed to us through the spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16.

The Holy Spirit gives comfort to us in sorrow and grief, this is why guilt offering were made in the Old Testament. Our emotions can die (similarly, the Holy spirit can be grieved and remain quiet). Because it is his spirit that corrects man, and that is why we struggle to do what is right even when we know what the spirit is leading us to do even with confirmation of his word (hence the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak and thus striving with God as in Genesis 6:3). Emotion is the seat of the soul; it can be volatile, happy, sad, angry, sober and calm, moody and glad. Thus, the spirit of God manifests in our spirit (that is weak in sin) and speaks to our soul which if it obeys the body overcomes sin. The body being Jesus (we see and share of him through communion), soul -> the Holy ghost as Ghost is linked with the soul of man as it grieves or is sorrowful and then the spirit of God searches the condition of the heart. so, it is called Holy ghost when the spirit searches the man to see what aileth the man. We see this with the prophet Elisha and the children he cursed because they laughed at him in the Old Testament, since he was under the anointing of the Holy spirit and spoke and judgement preceded next but in the New Testament, he endues us with power so we can cast out demon i.e. command authority. Remember the Mark 17: 19-21 Jesus could cast out demons, but his disciples could not: why Jeus had received the spirit of God during his baptism and his disciples had not. Secondly, he fasted and prayed to starve his flesh. Similarly, Noah enactment on his son Ham. He spoke through his emotions in anger and judgement because he had consumed the wrong kinds or drinks/spirit. He was sober but not from the spirit of God but spirit in drinks, so he spoke through his emotions wrongly.

The large rock on which the levities set the ark of the LORD is a witness to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh. (The rock is Jesus, the ark of the Lord (the holy spirit)) astute representation of God the father in symbols (I Samuel 6 vs 18). 70 of the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh were struck because they looked into the ark of the lord, Uzzah was struck because he touched the ark of Covenant of God, and 5000 men died when Moses came down from mount Sinai to see them worshipping the golden calf? You may ask every time some hurts our emotions, it is like someone touching our inner self; every time tries to read our emotions or minds; we become defensive or hurt us emotionally it’s like touching our hearts, the same goes with God’s feelings are expressed differently.

I have heard of couples whose spouse killed the other because one of the spouses cheated. Deuteronomy 22:22-23. God also has emotions that’s why the holy spirit acts as his emotions; and we say we don’t understand God; but do you understand the feelings of everyone and thus yourself. Thus, there is no searching of Gods ways. when we do not listen to the Holy spirit, we can grieve him, and he won’t forgive. Matthew 12: 31 because he is a helper with our weaknesses and saying harmful words to those who help you makes the person sad. Just imagine, someone’s helping you, but you continuously use harsh words/ blame words on them at some point you will grieve them. It’s because the Holy spirit acts as the emotion of God in us helping us in our weaknesses.

This is also why God says I am a Jealous God, Exodus 20: 5 after he saw the Israelites bowing to the golden calf. He got Jealous and 5,000 people died that day in mount Sinai under the law. However, grace covers us now until we wear it thin, and the law is enacted by continuous sin. Hence, the law: You shall have no other gods but me; this is why in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 22 said if another man steals another man’s wife, the wrath of God will be revealed on the other man and God will help the innocent man enact the judgement on the other man (laws). But this shows you not just the emotion of God but his dislike for sin as it wounds the human conscience both ways (guilt in one person and betrayal in the other). But we are under grace, so we leave God to judge or follow his instructions. This is why people say under ministration that somebody touch their soul; but physically a song cannot touch you it moves us close to God, but we say it touches us why? or you hear people say “Just a touch from God” how?

Here’s why Uzzah touched the ark of the covenant with his bare hands, it killed him instantly. Though it was not intentionally done by Uzzah, they were instructed to hold it with their shoulders and under the law instant disobedience meant instant judgement. This is why when you offend someone without grace or mercy they will retaliate because they are under the law not grace. Hence, Jesus says to whom has receives little love (from God) loves little. The fear of God entered David that day. Lastly, at Beth Shemesh they peeked into the ark of the covenant (most people want to see how being in the presence of God is like without being holy) and God struck 70 of them. As we as humans know how it feels like when someone uninvited see through our emotions or as they say now vulnerabilities; this is what the people of Beth Shemesh were doing.

Just as David took the ark of the covenant to Obededum house, the ark of God to Kiriath Jearim (the men there) the consecrated Eleazar son to guard the ark of God. (It was there 20 years as it was there 3 months Obededum place) when we see the emotions of God, man runs/ dies (fear or judgement due to us realizing our sins or we are committing sin boldly). Hence, the people of Israel turned back to the Lord.

This is why the first place Gods spirit is revealed (not felt as with Noah’s ark) as a HELP as Jesus called the Holy Spirit a HELPER (John 16: 26) as with woman (I guess they say that women are emotional and are continual droppings. Proverbs 27: 4). 1 Peter 3:7 if the woman is not considered the man’s prayer is not answered, similarly if you grieve the Holy spirit, it as good as gone. And they are called HELPERS and work as emotional support that comforts. In I Samuel 7: 12 between Mizphah and Shen, Ebenezer, the lord has helped us. They had sinned and only by understanding God’s emotion can we understand ours.

Samuel knew how to call on God as his HELPER. And typically, all the days of his life he never married but he held the courts for ISRAEL AND built an altar to the Lord. In the lifetime, the hand of the lord (helped) him against the Philistine.


Some men see the face of God but when the hand of God is revealed in a man life help is seen. This is why we say the Lord hand has helped me (EBENEZER). The very position of the woman in the church is 3 (Jesus, the man, the woman) and it is the position of the Holy spirit in the trinity. This is why women do exactly what the Holy spirit does “When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me;  about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.”

My pastor once said men feel like orphan once they leave home and I’m like you don’t know how right you are ” John 14:16-30 ERV. Once the hand of God is revealed in a man’s life as its the hand that made the woman a helper is seen. Also, why women talk more as the spirit of God has tongues.


The Way You Should Go (Psalm 32:8 – NIV)

Memory verse: Proverbs 1: 8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction
    and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.

John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

This why many women teach (known as teachers) and not preachers. SELAH!

Nehemiah 9:20
“You gave Your good Spirit to instruct them,
Your manna You did not withhold from their mouth,
And You gave them water for their thirst.


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