In my free time, I’d like to engage and ask people who their favorite bible character is? Most African women would say Deborah, some frequently said Esther. When I asked African men I’d hear Joseph mostly, some few cases Daniel, Moses and other Abraham because of his blessing and some SOLOMON.
I had a few non-African friends say Esther. People often say why do you ask this question, and I say nothing just out of curiosity. But for me, it was intriguing as Deborah was a judge and a warrior to save her people. As every Old Testament character is a shadow type of Jesus; it was more like people who relied on their strength or God’s to win battles. Addedly, she was judge (a righteous one). It’s funny that most African women would not rely on beauty to save them. Also, we war in prayer, so it’s no surprise actually this was most people choice.