House of ………….. Prayer, Bread, figs, hunting/fishing, grace and mercy. House of Saul and House of David. 2 Samuel 3

the House of Saul – 2 Samuel 3

the house of David – 2 Samuel 3

Bethlehem Ephrathah- House of Bread that is fruitful – Micah 5: 2

Bethsaida – house of hunting/fishing Acts 18

Bethany – house of figs Acts 18

Bethesda – house of mercy/grace – Acts 18

Bethel – house of God. – Genesis 28:19-21

House of Prayer – Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11, Matthew 21:13, Mark 11:17

A house divided against itself cannot stand, Jesus said. Mark 3: 25. A house is often used synonymously with kingdom and bread.

Abner deserts the house of Saul.

Ish Bosheth was a son born to a concubine of Saul. He accused Abner, a devoted ally to the house of Saul of sleeping with Sauls concubine. This accusation made Abner cause Abner to shift his allegiance to the house of David. As the house of David was getting stronger than the house of David, Abner knew God had made a covenant to David to make him the king all over Israel. So, Abner came to David seeking a partnership, but David asked for Michal, the daughter of Saul who was betrothed to him.

But Michal was already married to Paltiel, son of Laish. So, Abner forced her back to her husband (David). Abner starts to work dedicatedly for David to get on his good side, he reveals the plans of the Benjamite’s (Sauls clan), and he attempts to help assist David assemble all of Israel so David would make a covenant with them as God said.

As Abner set out to do this, he was stabbed by Joab. Why? Joab’s brother Asahel was killed by Abner and felt his position was threatened also by Abner (i.e. to be close to the king). Hence, Joab lied to the king, that Abner was a spy that was sent by the Benjamite to be close to the king, to see what he was doing. When David heard this, he acted like Pontious Pilate, he washed his hand saying, himself and his Kingdom were forever innocent of the blood of Abner, as the blood of Abner will fall on the head of Joab and his whole family.

David asked all the men with him to put on sack cloth as well as walk in mourning in front of the body of Abner (apparently it was some Jewish custom, to claim innocence). David did not eat anything else before sunset because Abners death greatly affected him. He wrote a lament to this effect! That the commander and great man had fallen in Israel that day, though he was anointed as king, he is weak, and the sons of Zeruiah were too strong for him, so he left the Lord to repay the evil doers according to their evil deeds. Then the people believed David was innocent concerning what happened to Abner.


There are some situations we are powerless to change, but to let God repay.

A simple accusation against Abner could escalate and lead to Abner death.

In a feat to change lanes Abner met his end, may God help us to be steadfast, immovable and abounding in love to the House of God (not to the strong man of the house).

Even Jesus is Anointed as king over the house of God, like David, yet it is not enough to stop, the church rebellious hands against each other.

Matt 3: Jesus healed lots of times on Sabbath day, yet in verse 25 they accused him of having demons, and Jesus said ” if a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand. Hence, as the House of Saul was divided, it could not stand against the House of David. With the exception of Mephiboshek.

Sometimes, a divide in a house, show how far one has fallen away from God. It was evident in the life of Saul then it became evident in the house of Saul.

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