Steadfastness in FAITH I Corinthians 15: 15

1 Corinthians 15: 54 – 58 Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord | and ALWAYS giving yourself fully to the work of the Lord, | knowing their labor is not in vain. (why will Elohim say knowing our labor is not in vain, because he knows we may feel our labor for him is in vain).

This was the church sermon today: Anything we do with an act of faith in Elohim whether it is praying, giving, ministering, healing, helping and fasting we ought to do it with steadfastness. Because even in difficult situations Daniel prayed and remained steadfast, trusting in God that he would not bow to the idol. Whatever situation we find ourselves in we can persevere knowing God’s promise and trust in him to deliver us.
Jobs perseverance showed his steadfastness until God came to his rescue, we ought not to be led by the flesh, trusting in what we see how dire our situation saying this person hurt me and I am not coming to church, but we keep trusting in GOD to deliver us.

To be steadfast in tough situation one has to be prayerful, perseverance and trust in God which increases our faith in God, if we come through and do not loose heart.

Galatian 2 vs 9, 6 vs 9 Dorcas took care of widows until her last days, when she was resurrected by Peter. Before the Shummamite woman met Elijah, she encouraged herself in the Lord. 2 kings 4: 8 – 37. The child was brought back to life. These examples are some of the most hopeless situations that seem out of our control.


wasn’t the road to gold, or riches but the road to calvary where we carry our cross to follow him (Yeshua). Matthew 16: 24 – 26, if we are to follow him, we have to take up our cross and follow him & when we do if its heavy for us, he still says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30. When we are weary from being spat at like him and mocked as him, he takes our yoke and gives us light burdens that’s how merciful he is. And the beauty of our savior – Jesus. How many know for Jesus to carry the cross wasn’t easy, and he still chooses to bear our burdens when we are heavy laden, the beauty of a steadfast savior – abounding, persevering, immovable at the cross and should all be like Simon the Cyrene taking up our cross to follow him.

S – Galatians 5: 1

T – Ephesian 6: 13

E – Psalm 127

A – Psalm 103 : 12

D – James 4: 8

F – John 3: 16

A – Joshua 24: 15

S – Matthew 6 : 33

T – Proverbs 3: 5 -6

when we think about the steadfastness of the lords love towards, don’t we want to be as he is as he is so am I in this world. 1 John 4:17.


Jim Gilbert- The Steadfast Love Of The Lord (Medley) (Hosanna! Music) (

All The Way to Calvary He Went For Me w lyrics (

Your Steadfast Love
Jim Gilbert- The Steadfast Love Of The Lord (Medley) (Hosanna! Music)

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