The small gate.

When Jesus say let not your heart be troubled. Sometimes, I hear people worry about the state of the nations. I am like why should I worry, the inevitable is going to happen no matter how much we try to delay it. So, I better prepare my mind for what is to come. All that i can do, is done and being done.. to tarry the time, Ultimately it boils down to this two scripture:

Matthew 7: 14

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 20: 16

16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

One may slow the times, some may turn back the hands of times like Hezekiah and the queen of the south. But ultimately, the time will arrive, it cannot be but delayed any longer.

What I am certain of is the masters return is imminent and it is better to prepare, than worry. In the words of CeCe Winans, everyone wants candy bars, until we know the price it cost. One startling truth is if the blood of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, is not enough for us no other sacrifice can do. Afterall, God has shown man his own way, but they went in search for other ways. Ecclesiastes 7: 29.

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