Jethro was a not just a mentor to Moses, he gave him suggestions on how to do his work better, faster and more effectively. He ordered his conversation aright. Conversely, Proverbs say worthless and wicked people go around telling lies and deceive.
God hates: a) Proud looks b) a lying tongue c) hands that kill innocent people d) a mind that thinks up wicked plans e) feet that hurry to do evil (f) a witness who tells one lie after another (g) someone who stirs up trouble among friends. Jethro suggested appointing capable men to help judge minor cases, reserving only the significant cases for Moses.
Jethro however communicated accurately telling Moses saying “Show them the way to live and perform duties”. He was encouraged to choose capable men from among the people – those who feared God, who are trustworthy and hate deceitful gains, which he did excellently. Where are you called today?