A Quest for Justice – John 7: 1, Psalm 94

Matthew 24:7-8

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

What I see every day is a question of Gods justice. As I have applied my mind to understanding, there is no absolute justice in this world. why, may you ask? Because of God sovereignty and his will? 2) God has to do justice and show mercy 3) if he judges everything here on earth, there would be nothing to judge in heaven.

The nation of Isreal had to fall for Nebuchadnezzars empire to rise. The nation of Isreal is God chosen nation and people after all. Nebuchadnezzars foundation the now Grecian to European empire had to rise in its stead, what did it do to get it? Nothing. And now the other gentile nation is getting gifts from God. An indication that the fall of the EU is near, and Isreal is going to be restored to its kingship but within another nation. The foundation of some nations will be rebuilt. why? because of their sacrifice for the gospel to reach the world. Whilst they may be malfunctioning now because they lost sight of God. It is a promise of restoration from God. As he alone manages to merge justice and mercy together to prove his faithfulness.

I heard a former president Ebele Jonathan Goodluck say that Americans meddled with his election and made him loose his elections. They gave him wrong advice and he sought retribution it seems. I taught he was more mature that but apparently, we learn everyday don’t we.

As nations use another nation to fight against each other, to get closer to power; obviously nothing just happens. Everything happens for a reason, and we continue to see it unfold especially over the next 3 years. Isreal is like Gods special child right so if he goes prodigal, God will still judge it and us. It is that truly we all have fault somewhere and are not fit to claim full justice over anyone. But they people use justice as tool to fight indirectly prying on another’s quest for justice.

when you come to take what is yours and you publicly announce it, also the message meant for you will be publicly announced. And you say God is not just, no person realizes that God is just than a vengeful person asks GEJ.

The Heirs of God – 1 Corinthians 13: 11

We are compelled to preach the gospel, everywhere we go.

As a child, we get free things because we are not mature. But when we become adults, mature reality begins to set in the reality of life is not fair nor easy.

1 Corinthians 13:11 says When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Galatians 4: 1 says an heir as long as he is a child. different nothing from a servant though he be lord of all.

We indeed put away childish things, because its purpose cannot serve as adults. We grow into maturity, not with milk but with meat. Hence, God sent forth his son to redeem him that was under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Wherefore we are no more servant, but a son, heir though Christ. By which we cry, Abba Father.

Hosea, Isreal to be Restored. Hosea 1

Hosea was a prophet who preached after the split of Judah and Northern Isreal. As with most characters in the bible, he was introduced as the son of Beeri. But there was no pronouncement like he walked righteously with the lord as with King Josiah or Jeroboam. Nor was there a description of his walk with God as with Job.

Hosea’s stories represent a prophet, whom no one knows anything about his early walk with God. if a man walked with God faithfully, shunned evil, it was always mentioned. However, it seems this was not the case with Hosea, why? God is not unjust, and humans are so God never tells man who to marry, it was under the law; so, it was allowed. Then Hosea marries a woman called Gomer, from Diblaim Isreal as well. Not much was said about her until chapter 3 of Hosea, she ceased to be mentioned just her unfaithfulness was shown. But the big picture here is Hosea’s marriage was Gods restoration plan for Isreal, his children were rejected, so Israel would find favor, his children became unloved so Israel would find favor.

The nation of Isreal was reeking with unfaithful men and women; and it would seem he put the judgement on Hosea’s head. So, his life will reflect the state of Isreal. It represents Gods call to repentance for the nation of Isreal and his promise of restoration for his people.

Daniel at the Tigris River – Daniel 10

One of the characteristics of Daniel that made him remarkable, was his ability to detangle himself from worldly affairs. 2 Timothy 2: 4

No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs but rather tries to please his commanding officer.

Personally, this man had no flaws—it’s almost scary. Daniel was not without sin, as he openly confessed his sins, but he was given the understanding to interpret the vision. He mourned and fasted for three weeks, refraining from rich food, meat, drink, and even did not comb his hair during that time. Talk about dedication! For me, Daniel’s character feels almost surreal.

He saw someone dressed in linen, with a belt of gold (see Revelation 1:14-15), similar to the Son of Man. His body appeared like precious jewels, his face as bright as a flash of lightning, and his eyes blazed like fire. His arms and legs shone like polished bronze, and his voice sounded like the roar of a great crowd. Daniel saw this vision alone. Just like John on Patmos, when the vision overwhelmed him, Daniel had no strength left. His face changed so drastically that no one could recognize him, and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious, lying face down. As Revelation 1:17 describes, he was like a dead man.

After 21 days, God heard his prayer. Weak and exhausted, Daniel was lifted up and given the vision about the future—the desolation, also known as the time of Jacob’s trouble. When he received this vision, he was at hiddekel.

The Lords Goodness to his People Psalm 106, 107

Note: It’s the Lord’s hand on me, helping me write and not mine. The builder of the house is greater than the house.

The Lord begins by commending those who obey His commands. It’s not a loss for a nation whose foundation is Christ to see just how good God has been to them, as with you remembering His saving grace towards us, especially when we doubt His love for us. The psalmist, in anticipation, says: “Let me see the prosperity of Your people.”

They confessed their sins, their wicked and evil ways. God saved them as He promised, and He gave them commands at the Red Sea, and it dried up (a place where your enemies are destroyed). Yet, they still forgot what God had done. Sometimes, I even lose sight of what God has done in my life. They acted without waiting and put God to the test, so he gave them (His people) a terrible disease. They grew jealous of men like Moses, who worked more righteously than they did. How could they be jealous of God’s own elect when they were a chosen nation and people as well? Incredible.

They exchanged the glory of God for the image of an animal that eats grass; they forgot God, who saved them and His mighty acts in Egypt. Egypt is not just a mindset; it is a place of captivity, a nation finds itself in when God’s wrath is upon them. They rejected the pleasant land God gave them because they did not believe. He scattered their descendants among the heathens. Have you not seen citizens of top Christian nations, like America, recently going to heathenistic nations? All the sins mentioned here, top Christian nations like America have committed them. So, why will the Lord be happy with you? Whoever encourages you to sin doesn’t like your nation.

At some point, at Peor, God’s people joined in the worship of Baal, sacrificing to dead gods, mostly because they did not trust in God anymore and lost sight of his faithfulness. When you trust in anything else, going out to get a surrogate rather than trusting and waiting on him, you deny God the glory of working in your life. He is worth the wait. At Meribah, bitterness overtook some faithful men of God, like Moses, and they spoke without thinking. The people God asked them to kill, they did not do so. Instead, they intermarried with them and adopted their pagan ways. It wasn’t only Solomon who did this. Hosea married Gomer, who was an Israelite woman, not a foreigner. Many Christian nations, whose foundation is the Lord, have done this, and the Lord is not pleased.

Then, in Psalm 106:41, the Lord decided to abandon them to the power of the heathen, and their enemies ruled over them. This is similar to the case of the 3 years without rain happening now. God’s people were oppressed by their enemies and in complete subjection to them. Many times, the Lord rescued His people, but they chose to rebel against him and sank deeper into sin. Because of the covenant He had with their fathers and his great love, he relented. They cried and said, “Lord, save us and bring us back from among the nations, so we may be thankful and praise Your holy name.”

So, then, why not praise the Lord, the God of Israel? Praise Him now and forever! Let everyone say Amen!

I always say to keep the commands of God as nation is easy, but to hold onto the instruction is very hard. Very few managed to get to get the hang of that. So, if you see a once upon a time Christian nation with these symptoms, I say this with love, it’s a call from God to repent. You may be mad as I have been because God deliberately delayed my life for 5years to do this. But come repent and turn back to God to wait on him.

I normally, do not like evangelism, I find I am stuck because if I don’t do this, God won’t let me move. My life is at ransom and a life for rent at the moment. Why? I hate to interfere with a nations issue. Plus, there are nations that benefit from Christian nations not believing in God, who will be against this message. Why? one nations downfall is the gain of another. There is a place in Job where God says he has placed kings and because of this promise, that they will rule forever, he tries to restore them, if they heed, they prosper otherwise he will kill them. But will not remove the kingdom from them. So, as kings rule righteously. God rewards faithfulness and still hate sin and not the sinner.

Sometimes, one has to learn to walk in the wilderness and still trust God still.

Where you stand – 1 timothy 1

Where we stand, or the choices we make in life, determine what we get from life. When a holy war arises, we must choose between justice and mercy. I choose mercy, placing my nation ahead of the required justice. When you do wrong, as a nation, you require mercy from God. Of course, my will was overridden by my country, which enacted its vision of justice, and God allowed it. When another nation is brought to account and is found wanting, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN becomes the decree from God. So, if the side I choose falls, I too will fall. I have realized this.

I have no message for my nation, because of my choices. What you choose is what stands before you. The marriage you created for samson is like the country you build. Religious and moral vices in that marriage mirror those of the men in my country. The vices in the woman reflect those of the women of the nation. After justice is done, the person with a message for Nigeria is not me. You may ask why:

  1. A word fitly spoken is like apples of Gold in settings of silver. You cannot use a report used in a factory in America for Nigerian setting. If a word or some news breaks out about hurricane in America, it really is not an information you need except you are facing the same challenge.
  2. I asked you to show mercy, but you choose justice. Since Justice presides over mercy.
  3. I am in accordance sent to the Gentile nation to rebuild their sanctuary, in trying to stop me is like stopping samson who is a giant, like your nation, his progress slows if mine slows. So, you choose.

Paul said he was appointed a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher to the Gentiles. Since I am a prisoner for Christ, I know that as long as I help the Gentile nations, there is no favor from my nation; fair is fair. When asked to stir up the gift of God in them, which is within them through the laying on of hands, to stir up the gift in a nation means to lay your hands on people appointed to do God’s work, for revival to take place in that nation.

You, after all, are called to a “holy calling,” so act as one. We may suffer these things; nevertheless, I am not ashamed. I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Yes, one could be like Snow White, asleep for three years, but it is essential to remember that if we suffer, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will also deny us (1 Timothy 2:11-12).

Since the foundation of the Lord, which he built in the Gentile nations, stands sure, the Lord still knows those who are his. So, why fear?

The walk with God – Ephesians 4: 11

It was he who “gave gifts to people”; he appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers.

I sometimes left in silence or speechless at times. Our time on earth, simply is one that is really in the hands of God. Scriptures say knowledge puffs up and charity edifies. we ought not to be stumbling blocks to people who are weak. But we should not join in eating at idol temple as well. In times like this it may be very difficult for one to do both. But if we seek the right path and we trust in the LORD with all our hearts and not on our own understanding.

As we wait on the return of the lord, and we hold fast to his promises. We may remember Thomas fuller, a 17th century English theologian, “It will seem that way until God steps in”.

Why Justice is not served. Jeremiah 22

On a global scale, everyone is seeking for reparation, either for slavery or people breaking into someone’s country illegally. Everywhere, it full of it.

Jeremah 22: 3 says Do justice and righteousness and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place

So, we ask what iniquity and transgression means that causes injustice:

Transgression is an act that involves lying against the LORD, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering words of falsehood.

Iniquity is higher as it among the sins God hates. When someone’s hand is defile with blood unlawfully, (I mean you are not a police officer under government commands, with exceptions to officer who premeditatedly kill people unlawfully), fingers that have iniquity, conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity. From this God turns his face people and will not hear them.

When a nation is like this, it’s at the brink of collapse. In Jeremiahs time, it was the case. Iniquity abounds, so transgressions will be many. Judgement from God is far from people and neither is justice served. Because iniquity abounds in that nation, God turns his face from that nation. Some of Gods people according to the prophets, begin to wait for justice and do not see it. Transgression begins to abound even amongst Gods people, until no one believes in justice anymore. Then the lord sees truth has failed and people who depart from evil make themselves prey and this displeases God. God looked for a man, an intercessor therefore he brought his arm of salvation that is Jesus to save us. It is predicted as it was in Habakkuk’s time and the prophets before Jesus first coming; so, it will be in his second coming: ONCE judgement is turned backward, justice will be faraway, falsehood will increase truth will fall and equity cannot enter. That’s why Jesus came and still came it is to save us. It happened before Jesus first coming and it will certainly happen upon his second return. Time may be extended because of the Queen of Sheba and the men of Nineveh but time is ticking as it draws nigh. While leading nations God choose to give power as with Judah are currently under oppression in 3 years to get their senses, they will be back; it’s the time of Isreal to rule for 3 years. As the kingdom is split SELAH! We know from history that when under King Rehoboam reign, as when Israel split from Judah, they did far worse things than Judah, but eventually Judah joined in. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here!

Children of Benjamin – Jeremiah 6

When we look at the tribe of Benjamin, that produced the first king of Saul. We see similar the house of vineyards, where people who do rightly come. However, she has oppression in the midst of her. And wickedness, violence and spoil. Sometimes, in trying to hold on to something with two hands we loose it. And the tribe of Benjamin as with Saul became greedy wanting to have it all. It became desolate in Jeremiah 6 vs 8.

It becomes covetous and from the least to the greatest they all did wrong. Jeremiah 6 vs 13. They say peace peace when there is no peace. God set a watchman over the nations saying hear ye nations, STAND YE and seek the old paths, where is the good way and walk therein. Jeremiah was to warn the nations that God intended to bring evil on the people, Gods people, because they had rejected Gods word. Reprobate silver is what God calls them, grievous revolvers who slander and are ALL Corrupt.

End times – Sabbath, Rest

Matthew 12: 41

New International Version
The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here.

42The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and now One greater than Solomon is here.…

Jesus said “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

40For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.