The Blood and the Water in 2024 – John 19: 25 – 35, Exodus 14: 29 – 30. Dr. Chris Kwakpowe

Today’s scripture s 34 says: “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.” In this year 2024, never forget that your journey of salvation began with WATER and BLOOD.

These are essential parts of your daily heavenly race! Remember too, that the Jews saw FREEDOM after they passed through this PROCESS! First was the blood on the doorposts, the water (THE RED SEA) washing Egypt away. AH! may the Lord Wash Egypt FROM YOU! After your salvation through the blood, you must experience daily cleansing of WASHING OF WATER BY THE WORD (Ephesian 5: 26) 2024 should be different! it is the daily washing of the water by the word that provokes God performance concerning YOU.

Concerning the Old Testament priests, remember that it was first the blood at the altar, then the WATER of BASIN WASHING THE PRIEST (see Leviticus 16: 14). It was clear that when the soldier used spear on Jesus, he was opening the door of salvation Via the BLOOD and the water which flowed from his side. John 19: 34 says “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side, and forthwith came there out blood and water” Note the Blood and the Water. The blood is first then water follows! God saves us when we get BORN again via his blood, but then he wants to cleanse you daily via his WORD. Too many Christians stop at the blood. We are out of Egypt but living under constant chase from guilt and shame. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MISTAKES TO SWALLOW YOU THIS YEAR! MOVE OUT OF CONDEMNATION AND DEPRESSION.

It’s like saying you are out of prison, but you refuse to walk (may God help me walk out of any prison in mind, may I only be a prisoner of hope in Christ Yeshua). My cell has been unlocked and so has yours walk out. You are free, but you are bullied by the past. Ephesians says that Christ gave himself for the church so that HE could make us holy by washing us with the water of the word. When pharaoh pursued the Jews into the RED SEA, the water covered their chariots and horsemen. THE WORD WAS AGAINST PHARAOH, BECAUSE IT IS A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD.

And all of the army of pharaoh that chased after Israel through the sea, not one remained alive. The people of Israel had walked through on dry land, and the waters had been walled up on either side of them! So, in 2024, determine to read Gods word daily by force! Cleanse your pathway and see God perform all he has written and spoken concerning you.


In times past we know the word of God as a sword but not a double-edged sword which it is the word comes to teach and correct us (save us from our sin – salvation), and his word came to deliver us; his word became flesh and dwelt among us (Yeshua) consider his suffering nothing to compared to what we are facing.

We know Revelation 17: 15 And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. & Jeremiah 51 vs 13 O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness.

We see water(s) plural indicate many people. Water(s) can be bitter (Meri bah) numbers 20: 13 as well as be filled with water (Samaritan woman and the well of salvation). He was speaking to her so her bitterness against the Jews could be dropped, and she would be drinking from his water of salvation. Jesus also turned water to wine (an indication of his blood during communion). His first encounter with Simon peter was by the Sea fishing for hours and caught nothing, an indication that he would make Peter a fisher of men also by the Sea. Another encounter was Peter walking on water, and he started looking at the raging of the sea (people) (Psalm 2 vs 1) and started sinking. People say if Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he would not have sink; many of us sink because we do not keep our eyes on his word (Jesus), so we sink and aren’t we all as Peter in some ways; We listen to the raging of the sea (people) and fear enters our heart then we begin to sink. It is my prayer that the hand of the Lord lifts us up and we do not fear!

It is easy to watch as Simon walks and say oh he is weak but aren’t we all listening to raging of people causing us to sink. Let my eyes be on the master.

Hebrew 12: 2

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


In your words, pray as you are led by the word today…

decree that in 2024, you shall not miss daily flow of the water from Yeshua’s broken side.

Refuse to give excuses for procrastinating, determine to walk in your daily quiet time and alone time with Yah.

Oh, the blood of Jesus on the cross shall not be in vain concerning our destiny.

what killed the Egyptians (after years of enslaving the JEWS) gave life to the JEWS. In this year it’s his WORD that will make a difference between our lives and the world.

Theme for Palm Sunday: The Coming King by Pastor John Buba Wakawa – John 12: 20

Zechariah 9: 9

To the fulfillment of Scripture Jesus had to come, we see Zechariah speaking of the King coming on a donkey. The key concept Pastor John B. emphasis was from the text:

John 12: 13

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,


“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”[b]

“Blessed is the king of Israel!”


John 12: 14 – 15 which reflects Prophet Zechariahs words in Zechariah 9:9

14 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written:

15 “Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion.
    see, your king is coming,
    seated on a donkey’s colt.”

He talks about the significance of the palm branches: which indicates the sign of victory, mostly people from Jerusalem and Palestine used the Palm branch to indicate the sign of victory when a soldier wins a battle or when a great visitor comes as a sign of acceptance.

This according to him was used to stir up the messianic hope that the king had arrived. HOSANNA, he highlights means please save us!

At the time it was said Blessed is he that comes in the name of Yahweh, because they were looking for someone to save them from the Babylonians. The Donkey, he says was not an animal that denotes power; it was mostly used to carry heavy load / burden, so it had to meek and lowly (humble and a peaceful animal). Even Balam, who was beating the donkey, the donkey didn’t harm Balaam; if it was a horse, it would have pushed him off and ran. So, the donkey is a peaceful and meek animal; used to carry heavy load/ burdens over a long distance.

When Yeshua first came, he rode on a donkey, upon his return he will ride on a white horse to bring peace in the world as the man of war a soldier not as a great visitor who goes to check on his vineyards.

The word colt is a donkey that has never been used (a sort of virgin donkey). Daughter Zion or in some version Daughter of Zion signifies Jerusalem personified used in a poetical form (indirect expression for poems). Jesus came on a donkey to save us humbly and peacefully from the grip of sin and darkness. He came as a triumphant entry of Yeshua into our hearts. He came to reposition humanity, reposition our hearts towards the father not to dislodge the romans. He is the savior of the world, King of the world, and not just the King of Israel.



Open your heart to Yeshua and ask him to reposition your heart back to him. Set me free and liberate me from the curse of sins.

Priesthood & Levites – Nehemiah 12, Luke 1

Recently, I have been bumping into Joseph descendant and the Levites and I have found similar ties. The Levites belong to priesthood.

What we know about them (the Levites)
They are linked to a family of priesthood; they have no inheritance except those given to them in tithe (inheritance), Joseph descendent had one portion (little) inheritance (number 36, Joshua 17: 14). They had to purify themself (1 John 3: 3, John 12: 19). Joseph was consecrated in prison, sold to slave and avoided sexual fornication with Potiphar (Consecration). Levites praise and give thanks to God (Nehemiah 12: 24, I Chronicles 28) as prescribed by kings. so, there were in charge of songs of thanksgiving as king David had with Asaph. They also sang under the spiritual direction (much like orchestra) of Jezrahiah (someone). They offered great sacrifices of rejoicing because Yahweh gave them great Joy. The musicians (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, Psalm 18: 1, January 18. 1) followed the command of David for songs of praise for giving their daily portions to God. This caused women and children to rejoice such that it could be heard from afar. (See Nehemiah 1)

The lineage of Levites (associated with the word Leviticus – instructions for priest associated with the New Testament; Hebrew which speaks extensively about our great high priest – Jesus).

Now bear in mind that Hebrew 7:3 says the Levites had no lineage and Joseph upon being sold to slavery had no mother and father, he became a ruler in Egypt without lineage and he was considered dead by his father for a while. Resembling the son of God. Until he rose again, and Joseph was found again. (An interchange of holy for the unholy, I once lost and now I’m found – Prodigal son). So, Joseph saved his brothers from famine and thus the sin they committed as Jesus saved the people from their sins. (Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens – Hebrew 7: 26). It was in writing in the book of chronicles kings and Levites worked together bringing forth the Davidic covenant of salt. One notable priest was Abijah (Nehemiah 1: 17) during the rebuilding of the temple became a Governor often referred to David as a Man of God (of Abijah’s, Zikri; of Miniamin’s and of Moadiah’s, Piltai;).

Precession to Zechariah

In the days of Elizabeth and Zechariah, the bible accounts Zechariah to be from Abijah division and his wife was the descendant of Aaron (priestly lineage on both ends), Luke 1: 5.

Luke writings to Theophilus, further showed he burnt incense to the lord and once his division was on duty, he assembled worshippers outside the temple, praying (as with the priests in Nehemiah).

Their offspring John the Baptist was further consecrated coming from a priestly lineage to prepare the way for a greater high priest. How we knew John was consecrated:

  1. He stayed in the wilderness for years until his ministry of baptism started, he consecrated himself. Luke 1:80 says, and the child grew and became strong in spirit[d]; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel. (2 Chronicles 29: 5).
  2. He was not given to intoxication and strong drink; his food was locust and wild honey much as samson. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, (Luke 1 vs 15 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born)
  3. He baptized with water. (In the Old Testament, people had to wash their hands and feet with water as a form cleansing/purification a shadow type of baptism, Exodus 30:19, 2 Chronicles 29: 15).
  4. He spoke the proclaimed word given to him. (And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, Luke 1: 76, Matthew 3:3).
  5. Circumcision a form of purification in Jewish custom as well as Circumcision of heart a form of purification of heart to separate unto God was done on the 8th day for John the Baptist. Luke 1: 59 as so 2 Chronicles 29 vs 17 says on the first day of the first month they began consecrating; by the eighth day of the month, they reached the porch of the Lord’s temple. For eight more days they consecrated the Lord’s temple. On the sixteenth day of the first month, they were finished. The temple which brought forth John the Baptist were holy (ie Zechariah and Elizabeth see Luke 1:23) which is why he was born with the holy spirit from inception see Luke 1:15, Hence is why Jesus said of all born of men none is greater than John the Baptist. He was born with the spirit of God from the womb because his parent was from the lineage of priest who were consecrated.
  6. Ephesians 5: 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. Johns’ ministry preached repentance (washing of the water; 2Chronicles 29:15) and show the way (Jesus as our sanctifier) Matthew 3: 2. They followed the commands by the word in Chronicles 29. Very symbolic with Noah’s warning (words) before the flood. Hence, why Zechariah could not speak because of sanctification by word.
  7. All priests help our prayers to be heard. Hebrew 7: 25, Luke 1:12, 2 Chronicles 7: 1. Hence, why Abraham offered. (If I regard iniquity in my heart the lord will not hear me).
  8. The priest is closely linked with royal kings. Jesus the king of the Jews was to be born and Zechariah lineage of priesthood prepared the way for this. (2 Chronicles 29 vs 1: Hezekiah was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. His mother was Abijah, the daughter of Zechariah. He did what the Lord approved, just as his ancestor David had done.) Abijah is the division were Zechariah traced his lineage to Hezekiah. As with Abraham who gave the king of Salam and King Melchizedek gifts. I Peter 2: 9.

Funny coincidence(s)

When Zechariah heard John was to be born because of their situation, he did not believe; hence he was dumb for a while. When John the Baptist, was put in jail he had the same unbelief his father had which led to his death. (He asked are you the one to save us; our human frailty) May God help our UNBELIEF.

The spirit that was on John the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah; it is a funny coincidence that as Elijah became discourage, he asked God to kill him because of the great amount of wickedness in the time of Jezebel. Since, the same spirit was on John, I wonder if that why he doubted.

Hezekiah mothers name was Abijah; and Abijah was the daughter of Zechariah. Zechariah John’s father came from the division of Abijah by lot.

John’s message was to repent of our sins and to prepare the way for Christ coming (as I suspect it would be with the return since the spirit of Elijah and Moses was seen during the transfiguration representing the law and prophets as in Revelation 11). Moses took the 10 commandments on Holy ground and Elijah preached against wickedness as with John the Baptist and asked the people to repent. Since they are symbolic figure in Revelation 11 to signify his return. (someone has to prepare the way). Some claim its Joshua and Zerubbabel. But each time a witness comes Moses & Elijah likewise John the Baptist, it is usually a time of great wickedness (Pharoah, Jezebel and Herod’s time). Bringing subsequent prophets Aaron, Joshua and Jesus. Moses sinned because of wickedness of Pharoah and the people of Israel like Elijah saw wickedness that made him consider killing himself, likewise the two Herod with John the Baptist. They have wilderness seasons Moses was in the wilderness as with Elijah and John the Baptist.


2 Chronicles 7 : 14

 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways (repent), then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin (salvation) and will heal their land (the kingdom of God).