Galatians 4: May he not be perplexed about us.

As heirs we are entrusted in the hands of Elohim because we are underage under elemental spiritual forces of the world; so we subject to guardianship of Elohim until the time set by the father (Elohim) to free us so we are no different from slave(s). Who are still under the law. God then sends his son (Yeshua) born of a woman that we receive adoption to son-ship, some are his sons, so we have the spirit of Elohim in our hearts. So we are no longer Elohim CHILD (under law) to Elohim’s HEIR (Grace).

When did not know Elohim we were slaves by nature to those who are not gods. But we know Elohim so we do not turn back to weak and miserable forces (as though we are under the law), because we can be slaves again as underage people. Let not Elohim’s effort be wasted on us. We ought to become like PAUL. In illness he preached through trial, he wasn’t treated with contempt or scorn but he was welcomed as if he was an angel of Elohim. The love towards Paul was wholehearted and genuine because he was fighting for God. Even when he was ill, The Lord does not become our enemy because he tells US THE TRUTH. (Galatians 4 vs 16).

They are people who are zealous to win us over, but for no GOOD. They want to alienate us from Elohim, so we would have a zeal for them. It is fine to be zealous as long as THE PURPOSE IS GOD, and to be ALWAYS, not just when Yeshua presence is felt (when he is with us). So we remain in pains of child birth what CHRIST is formed in me. How I wish I could be with you now and change my tone BECAUSE I AM PERPLEXED ABOUT YOU.

I am a free woman for i am from above (Galatians 4:26) and she is my mother, so I can be under elemental forces to keep the laws by doing works… I only do what the father tells me because Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city in Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. Our lights shine where and when Elohim wants it . We are then free and should be glad even as a barren woman who never bore fruit (child) not us , it is God who tells us where to place our lights this why we are free & not bond.

All Arabia is governed by laws to this day, so Jerusalem is still under the law of bondage even though she is a child of God, she is yet to be a heir because of the Jews (they still follow the Torah it is under elemental forces.

Brothers and Sisters, I am not the child of a slave woman, but of a free woman. If surely God came to you as you are, you are free and doing right what he wants you to do. A tree doesn’t struggle to bear fruit, it naturally does. It doesn’t have to prove I am a tree and bear fruit. Light or no light, barren or those who bear children, for my light is not hidden else you wont have been able to read this and see me. John 3:19 Light came into the world. But people wanted to be in the dark because they did wrong things. They did not want the light. That is why they are judged.

The story of man isn’t decided by man, it is decided by God. I will not make boast of what the lord has done through me and if i do it is for his glory to be revealed, Christ is in me the hope of glory. ministry or not, Christ in me; fellowship or none, Christ in me; his light will naturally shines through me. So I will not disobey the kings commands, so i will come to no harm. After all, the steps of a righteous man are ordered by Elohim!

So I will rest on Yeshua finished works for it is his grace that carries me since i am free and not under man recital laws or instruction of mans law to me.

we only need light to see; once the light has come to Saul on his way to Damascus; the light came so that Saul could see and once Paul could see the light was gone, light is likened to comprehension, some say knowledge but knowledge light is understanding. John 3: 8, The wind blows where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. we can tell where God presence comes from and where it goes, so is every one who is born of the spirit of God; you can know when they come and when they go because the spirit leads them not man leading them. If you want a vessel from Elohim house; you ask God for one. For where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! Romans 8: 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

John 1: 8-20 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

The light came in Jesus people refused to recognize the light because he didn’t come as king but as a carpenters son, and he was from Galilee and they could trace his descendant to King David. Jesus was hidden it was the way they saw him that made him unrecognizable.

so if someone goes singing during their master’s studies your inability not to recognize them is not because I am hidden else how did you see me!

As David says in Psalm 32: 7 – 10

The Lord is my hiding place, not that my light is hidden, he protects me from trouble and surrounds me with songs of deliverance. It is God through his son who instructs me and teaches me in the way I should go (so you cant tell one where to go, whether one should show you signs again, one can worship in a church or not, in a bid to contaminate ones faith! evil vipers!!!) and he counsels me with his loving eyes on me. I would rather hope in his unfailing love for me (Psalm 33:18, Psalm 32 vs 10) may Elohim unfailing love be with us; as I put my hope in him.

can any man receive anything except it be given to him from God! John 3: 27! So ask and it would be given to you and when you ask do not ask amiss to not consume it on your lust.

Ecclesiastes 18, Matthew 21 – The Wisdom in Obedience

The Lord is the king of Kings and lord of lords and his words are supreme. If we obey the kings command; we will come to no harm.
Hence we can stand up for a bad cause (against Elohim’s will or laws), he will still do whatever he pleases. (because God word is supreme). So who can say to Elohim what are you doing? when we obey the kings command we come to no harm, and he has given us a wise heart to know the proper time and procedure for every matter. Even though a person MAYBE weighed down by misery (Ecclesiastes 8:6)

Since only God knows the future (Ecclesiastes 8:7) whether love or hate awaits them (Ecclesiastes 9) no one has the view to tell what is to come?

Moreover, wickedness is still practiced, oppression (lords over others) and crime is still being committed, why? because wicked people do not fear God.

Everyone shares a common destiny because sin is in the world, the righteous getting what the wicked deserves and vice versa. Moreover, people’s hearts are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, For me, to live is Christ for me to die is gain. When one dies memories that hold pain is gone, their love, their jealousy and hate. So rest because Elohim has approved what we do, so let our garment always be white. Let there be oil our my lamp(s).

For everything is meaningless, and since the battle is not to the swift nor to the strong (but the battle is the Lords), nor does food come to the wise (and supplies our needs) or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned but time and chance happen to us all (Ecclesiastes 8 vs 4), so we ought to be careful lest evil times fall unexpectedly on us- Wisdom is better than strength, yet a poor mans wisdom is despised nevertheless it is wisdom, the quiet words of the poor man are to be heeded than a shout of fools.

Jesus comes to Jerusalem as King – Matthew 21

Where Jesus came from – John 7

The world hates Jesus (and us) because we testify that its working are evil. John 7:7

You are always going to be questioned about your integrity but God Justifies. John 7 vs 12,13 (said he deceives, some said he was good).

Jesus moved in secret to places because people hated him —> John 7 vs 10

Our teaching (Just as Jesus’s) is not our own, It comes from Elohim. It because we choose to do God’s will we find out Gods teachings we never speak on our own —> John 7 vs 16.

If we speak on our own, its for our personal glory, but when we speak of God, we speak of God we speak the truth of God’s word and nothing is false about that person (man of truth).

no one can really keep the laws ( 10 commandments), that we sin in the flesh, so we might have life through the spirit & live by the spirit. —> John 7 vs 20

Miracles, Success do not change people —> John 7 vs 21

People are more concern law govern by fear than inward laws govern love (as we love God and ourselves) —> John 7: 21 (difference between the 10 commands and the 2 commands).

People deny truth when they are in sins ( majority continue in sin, Jesus said they wanted to kill him John 7: 20, but in verse [25] “they conceded that people trying to kill Jesus later” –> this is the reason human judgement is weak; we judge by appearance –John 7 vs 24

When people cant understand things they judge incorrectly, when people hate they judge incorrectly — John 7 vs 27-31 (They did not know where Jesus was from they tried to seize him) Jesus came from God and anyone who is born of God. 1 John 4:7-12

Still many around believed in Jesus. We do not have to understand everything to believe. John 6 vs 31.

Jealousy from the pharisees, leading to hate made them do terrible things John 3: 27.

When your time is not come, it has not come —> John 6 vs 33

The last day is the greatest day where he will pour out his spirit on all flesh —> on all who thirst (John 7 vs 37-39).

We look for signs and facts (prophecy) to interpret truth —> John 7 vs 41

There will always be a divide on those who believe and does who do not believe (some believed he was messiah, some say he was a prophet) – John 7 vs 43 (Jesus was all things to us , a healer, a shepherd, a prophet, a teacher but ultimately he is our savior (save us from ourselves and our sins) 1 Corinthians 9:22-23.

The law should not condemn man w/o first hearing him to find out first hearing him to find out what he has been doing ( continuous tense is doing) –> John 7 vs 51, Job 29-21, 21.

When reason/ understanding is not going with truth disbelief enters into man —> John 7 vs 57 {Jesus was from Galilee because he was raised there; but no track record could be linked to his genealogy to David at the time, leading the Israelite to doubt that he was the messiah and the hardness of the pharisees heart made them question more for proof causing disbelief} This was revealed in the Matthew 1 through the spirit of God, Jesus genealogy was from David & Abraham.

The Hunger and Thirst — John 6

When we come to Jesus (look for him/Search for him)-> he feeds our hunger.

When we believe in Jesus -> He quenches our thirst (Verse 35)

Man looks for Jesus because of loaves of bread not because of signs he performs – John 6 vs 26

It is Yeshua’s will that none is lost, so give us life and direction in Christ Yeshua so you will raise us up on the Last day.

Prophet are taught by Elohim –> John 6 vs 45

When Jesus hear of the father and learn from him; he comes to him.

The bread is Elohim flesh ( Jesus) John 6 vs 51

The Seal of Approval is on Yeshua and he gives to those who don’t work for goods that spoils but for food that endures to eternal life — John 6 vs 27

Jesus hate Wastes John 6 vs 12

When Jesus walks into our boat our fears are gone. John 6 vs 20 (perfect love cast out fear)

People work for bread that perishes not for bread that endures to eternal life which the son of man gives ( John 6 vs 27)

Bread from heaven is called Manna (to eat) comes from God and it is not to be wasted even if it perishes; Bread from the son of man is his flesh that Endures to eternal life. Hence bread from heaven (Jesus in flesh); Bread of heaven (his body broken for us; edifies our spirit).

Bread -> flour -> plant(earth) -> soil (flesh/decay)

Hard teachings are difficult to accept (John 6 vs 60) and often lead to grumbling, where some people may turn away from this preaching (John 6 vs 66) and it causes offences (John 6 vs 61) to those the father has not called to his kingdom.

The spirit gives life and the flesh profiteth for nothing (John 6 vs 57).

Songs of worship:

A kingdom divided against itself – 2 Chronicles 10, Hebrew 3

In the life of King Solomon, it was prophesied that the kingdom would be torn into two once he died. So it seems it was predestined that Rehoboam would not lighten the yoke of the people even after the elders advised him he did not heed. 1 Chronicles 11 vs 4, the Lord said to Rehoboam that he should Go home, everyone of the people of Judah & Benjamin, for this (the split of Israel and Judah) was his doing. So Rehoboam & his people listened and obeyed the words of the Lord turned back from marching against Jeroboam.
At this point when the nation split Rehoboam headed the advice of the Lord, His decision may not have favored the majority of Israel but it favored people close to him. In this day, when Government & Rulers decision do not favor the majority and heavy yokes are upon nations leading to wars, splits it is important to know Gods will in all this will happen Mark 13 : 7. The bible says on a family & friends will split on this (verse 12).

I am reminded that the one who perseveres has patience and endures until the end. Patience is tied to love and as we love Jesus we await patiently his return. Someone once asked me something; I’d like to pray for and I asked for that “let patience have her perfect work in me that I may be entire wanting. When we want nothing but God we have patience and this is love. James 1:4-8”
Ecclesiastes 7:8 “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.”

A patient person cant can have pride because patience is born out of LOVE. 1 Corinthians 13 vs 1. So as I end, as I would myself fix my thoughts on the Lord during these last days; I hope you do too. I am a house built by Elohim, so to remain faithful as Moses; because every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything . As Jesus is, so to bear witness to what would be spoken by Elohim in the future, we need to be reminded of this.

The spirit of God says as it bear witness in our hearts that as we hear Elohim’s voice we should not harden our hearts as we did in rebellion ( during hardship and testing in the wilderness as with Rehoboam).

When we do not know Elohim’s ways, we go astray removing our peace (rest state). When sins deceitfulness enters our hearts (hardening occurs), then we cant hear God causing us to rebel and perish (Israel under Jeroboam started worshiping Baal and forsook the Lord their God), therefore peace is gone (out of rest) leading disbelief & disobedience ultimately.

God dwells in us because he first dwelth among US.

I have had to wonder why the temple Solomon built was on Araunah the Jebusites threshing floor? why this floor as this was on the floor David sacrificed offerings for the counting of soldiers.

Someones praying for me – Late Pastor Obembe prayer point

Pray that the sick will be healed:

Acts 10:38 “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him”

There are so many sick people around us and in the hospitals. You may know some by name. Start praying for God’s healing power to be released in their lives.

Pray for God to send laborers:
Matthew 9:37 – Then saith he unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.

Pray that the word of God should have entrance into the hearts of men
2 Thessalonians 3:1 – Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.

Pray for those in Authority
1 Timothy 2: 1-2 Pray that God would move in their hearts to exercise their leadership positions for the benefits of the people. Pray that they will be able to resist the power of evil and enable to Gospel to thrive.

Pray for the move of God in your community:
1 Timothy 2: 3-4 God does not want anyone to perish. So pray for community. Pray that the word of God will prevail in the land and that the gospel will bear fruits of mass salvation and baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Last Days – Isaiah 1 & 2

Isaiah 1 gives us a word about a city filled with holiness is now a dwelling of prostitutes. Isaiah 2 verse 2 talks about the last days, where mountains would be established (not kingdom again) as mountain are often immovable the bible says the mountain is called Zion in Judah and Jerusalem. – see city are built on hills, mountains on rocks (Jesus is a rock that is immovable).

The last days are likened to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah (Matt 24: 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man). Jesus says there will be famines, earthquake, persecution, peoples heart failing them for things to come and false teachers; and here in Isaiah 1; it shows us a glimpse into what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah. Isaiah focuses on the rulership in Sodom and the actions of the people Gomorrah!

  1. They offer multitude of sacrifices, offerings which Elohim had no pleasure in.
  2. They appeared before Elohim gates/courts bringing meaningless sacrifice to him, he detested them.
  3. The observed festive occasion new moons (Christmas), sabbath and convocations – and the assemblies of people the Lord could not bear because offering from there wasn’t heartfelt (Isaiah 1: 13). In Chapter 4, Elohim says he couldn’t bear these feasts and appointed festivals he hated them with ALL his being. They were a burden to him, and weary hearing them.
  4. Elohim hid his eyes from them, when they spread out their hands in PRAYER. and when they offered MAnY prayers, Elohim did not listen. WHY?
  1. Their hands were full of blood (i.e. the ruler and the city). Solution: Take the evil deeds out of his sight; stop doing wrong and learn to do right; seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless, plead the widows case. (mentioned twice) see Habakkuk 2 vs 8-9. verse 19.
  2. They resisted and rebelled the cleansing from their sins. (Isaiah 1: 20). God makes a case that if they are willing to obey him they would eat the good things of his house and land.
  3. Sodom and Gomorrah were faithful cities, side by side that became a prostitute, it was a city full of justice and righteousness used to dwell in her now she is now a place of murderers! (Apparently, they shared the same rulers).
  4. Their rulers are rebels partnering with thieves that love bribes and chase after gifts. Thus, fail to defend the cause of the fatherless and widow’s case.

The lord vents his wrath and avenge himself and thoroughly purge away their dross to remove ALL impurities, to restore their leaders as of Old so they will be called the city of Righteousness. (Fire came into Sodom and Gomorrah).

Rebels & Sinner will both be broken and those who forsake the LORD Elohim will perish. Oaks are the grandest/strongest trees will be disgraced, these oaks that delight in themselves will be with fading leaves; like gardens w/o water. The mighty tinder and his work a spark both will burn together with no one quench the FIRE.

The descendants of JACOB

The last days the mountain of the LORD will be exalted are hills and ALL nations will stream to it. The descendants of Jacob will walk with the light of the LORD. The day of Elohim is spoken about in Isaiah 6 verse 22. The descendant of Jacob full of superstition from the east, practice divination like the philistine and embrace pagan customs. The day of Elohim is A DAY when human arrogance will be brought low (Isaiah 2 vs 11). and the lord alone will be exalted, idols ALL totally disappear. People will fear at the presence of Elohim. Isaiah 2: 22 Stop trusting in MERE humans who have but a breath in their nostrils. why hold them in esteem? Jeremiah 17:5, John 2:24-25, Psalm 118:8, Psalm 146 vs 3.

Sodom and Gomorrah event happened before Noah’s flood. It was 10 generation before the time of Noah flood. so, the last days is likened to Sodom and Gomorrah and Noah’s flood. Luke 17:28-37 one precedes the other by 10 generation.


Micah 6:8 – Maranatha Music (Lyric Video) (

Micah 6:8 New International Version 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly [ a] with your God.