As heirs we are entrusted in the hands of Elohim because we are underage under elemental spiritual forces of the world; so we subject to guardianship of Elohim until the time set by the father (Elohim) to free us so we are no different from slave(s). Who are still under the law. God then sends his son (Yeshua) born of a woman that we receive adoption to son-ship, some are his sons, so we have the spirit of Elohim in our hearts. So we are no longer Elohim CHILD (under law) to Elohim’s HEIR (Grace).
When did not know Elohim we were slaves by nature to those who are not gods. But we know Elohim so we do not turn back to weak and miserable forces (as though we are under the law), because we can be slaves again as underage people. Let not Elohim’s effort be wasted on us. We ought to become like PAUL. In illness he preached through trial, he wasn’t treated with contempt or scorn but he was welcomed as if he was an angel of Elohim. The love towards Paul was wholehearted and genuine because he was fighting for God. Even when he was ill, The Lord does not become our enemy because he tells US THE TRUTH. (Galatians 4 vs 16).
They are people who are zealous to win us over, but for no GOOD. They want to alienate us from Elohim, so we would have a zeal for them. It is fine to be zealous as long as THE PURPOSE IS GOD, and to be ALWAYS, not just when Yeshua presence is felt (when he is with us). So we remain in pains of child birth what CHRIST is formed in me. How I wish I could be with you now and change my tone BECAUSE I AM PERPLEXED ABOUT YOU.

I am a free woman for i am from above (Galatians 4:26) and she is my mother, so I can be under elemental forces to keep the laws by doing works… I only do what the father tells me because Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city in Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. Our lights shine where and when Elohim wants it . We are then free and should be glad even as a barren woman who never bore fruit (child) not us , it is God who tells us where to place our lights this why we are free & not bond.
All Arabia is governed by laws to this day, so Jerusalem is still under the law of bondage even though she is a child of God, she is yet to be a heir because of the Jews (they still follow the Torah it is under elemental forces.
Brothers and Sisters, I am not the child of a slave woman, but of a free woman. If surely God came to you as you are, you are free and doing right what he wants you to do. A tree doesn’t struggle to bear fruit, it naturally does. It doesn’t have to prove I am a tree and bear fruit. Light or no light, barren or those who bear children, for my light is not hidden else you wont have been able to read this and see me. John 3:19 Light came into the world. But people wanted to be in the dark because they did wrong things. They did not want the light. That is why they are judged.

The story of man isn’t decided by man, it is decided by God. I will not make boast of what the lord has done through me and if i do it is for his glory to be revealed, Christ is in me the hope of glory. ministry or not, Christ in me; fellowship or none, Christ in me; his light will naturally shines through me. So I will not disobey the kings commands, so i will come to no harm. After all, the steps of a righteous man are ordered by Elohim!
So I will rest on Yeshua finished works for it is his grace that carries me since i am free and not under man recital laws or instruction of mans law to me.
we only need light to see; once the light has come to Saul on his way to Damascus; the light came so that Saul could see and once Paul could see the light was gone, light is likened to comprehension, some say knowledge but knowledge light is understanding. John 3: 8, The wind blows where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. we can tell where God presence comes from and where it goes, so is every one who is born of the spirit of God; you can know when they come and when they go because the spirit leads them not man leading them. If you want a vessel from Elohim house; you ask God for one. For where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! Romans 8: 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
John 1: 8-20 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
The light came in Jesus people refused to recognize the light because he didn’t come as king but as a carpenters son, and he was from Galilee and they could trace his descendant to King David. Jesus was hidden it was the way they saw him that made him unrecognizable.
so if someone goes singing during their master’s studies your inability not to recognize them is not because I am hidden else how did you see me!
As David says in Psalm 32: 7 – 10
The Lord is my hiding place, not that my light is hidden, he protects me from trouble and surrounds me with songs of deliverance. It is God through his son who instructs me and teaches me in the way I should go (so you cant tell one where to go, whether one should show you signs again, one can worship in a church or not, in a bid to contaminate ones faith! evil vipers!!!) and he counsels me with his loving eyes on me. I would rather hope in his unfailing love for me (Psalm 33:18, Psalm 32 vs 10) may Elohim unfailing love be with us; as I put my hope in him.
can any man receive anything except it be given to him from God! John 3: 27! So ask and it would be given to you and when you ask do not ask amiss to not consume it on your lust.