From when the lord stroked his people with a plague because of what they did with the calf Aaron made. Elohim saith to Moses, that he should leave the place, Moses and the people they bought up out of Egypt and to go to a land he promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which he’d give to their descendants. The lord saith he will send his angels to drive out the Hittites, Canaanites, Ammonites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites before them.

Here we see that the promise made through generations was about to be fulfilled (i.e. the promise made to Isaac, Abraham, and Jacob moved through their generation and was to be fulfilled in Moses’ time).
It’s funny because Moses translates to meaning drawn out of water as his similitude to the work done by John the Baptist, who drew people out of the water. As John the Baptist prepared the way for the saviors coming; so, Moses showed the children the way to the promise land. (or at least prepared the way for them to reach the promise land).
Here because the people are stiff necked, the LORD did not want to go with them for the reason that he might destroy them on the way. So, Moses went to the ‘tent of meeting’ to speak to Elohim face to face as one speaks to a friend (verse 11). Moses says to the LORD Elohim, you have been telling me, ‘Lead these people, “but you have not let me know who you will send with me.
If you are pleased with me teach me your ways, so I may know and continue to find favor with thee. Remember we are your people. Moses goes on to say that if Elohim’s presence does not go with us, he will go from there. (As we cross over to 2024, it is my prayer that Elohim’s presence goes with us (Immanuel) from the wilderness to a land flowing with milk and honey). Elohim presence distinguishes us according to Moses, his presence shows he is pleased with us. no wonder the Psalmist saith from whence can I go from thy presence.
Then Elohim saith: This very thing I will do because you have asked because I am pleased with you, and I know you by name.
Prayer: Let Elohim’s presence go with us and give us rest as we step into 2024, into his presence.
It is funny Moses would not leave the tent of meeting with me. It is Elohim’s presence Moses sought for the most rather than a land flowing with milk and honey. As Moses calls Elohim in remembrance for his favor and love for him and towards his people. (verse 13)
The Rhetoric of this is John the Baptist fed on locust and wild honey and the land of milk and honey was where the Israelites were off to. It was when John the Baptist was baptizing that Yeshua (the lord appeared), his presence was made known to others thus the fathers voice was heard “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased”. Jesus a Jew was accepted so we would be accepted, and Elohim would be pleased with us, similarly Elohim was pleased with Moses, so his presence could go with the Israelites. Since the actualization of the promise made to Abraham was manifest in Moses and Aarons time, the manifestation of salvation (Elohim’s promise) was made possible through Yeshua. Indeed, he is the one who us out of the bowels of water and washed us clean.

Happy new Year in Advance