A Quest for Justice – John 7: 1, Psalm 94

Matthew 24:7-8

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

What I see every day is a question of Gods justice. As I have applied my mind to understanding, there is no absolute justice in this world. why, may you ask? Because of God sovereignty and his will? 2) God has to do justice and show mercy 3) if he judges everything here on earth, there would be nothing to judge in heaven.

The nation of Isreal had to fall for Nebuchadnezzars empire to rise. The nation of Isreal is God chosen nation and people after all. Nebuchadnezzars foundation the now Grecian to European empire had to rise in its stead, what did it do to get it? Nothing. And now the other gentile nation is getting gifts from God. An indication that the fall of the EU is near, and Isreal is going to be restored to its kingship but within another nation. The foundation of some nations will be rebuilt. why? because of their sacrifice for the gospel to reach the world. Whilst they may be malfunctioning now because they lost sight of God. It is a promise of restoration from God. As he alone manages to merge justice and mercy together to prove his faithfulness.

I heard a former president Ebele Jonathan Goodluck say that Americans meddled with his election and made him loose his elections. They gave him wrong advice and he sought retribution it seems. I taught he was more mature that but apparently, we learn everyday don’t we.

As nations use another nation to fight against each other, to get closer to power; obviously nothing just happens. Everything happens for a reason, and we continue to see it unfold especially over the next 3 years. Isreal is like Gods special child right so if he goes prodigal, God will still judge it and us. It is that truly we all have fault somewhere and are not fit to claim full justice over anyone. But they people use justice as tool to fight indirectly prying on another’s quest for justice.

when you come to take what is yours and you publicly announce it, also the message meant for you will be publicly announced. And you say God is not just, no person realizes that God is just than a vengeful person asks GEJ.

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